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Bad Decisions

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1 Bad Decisions

2 Bad Decisions Goliath boasted against Israel
& went out to fight David, 1 Sam. 17:10 Disdained David, 1 Sam. 17:41-44 Defeated by David, 1 Sam. 17:49, 51 Do you think Goliath regrets his decision?

3 Bad Decisions We sometimes make bad decisions,
Ones we wish we could go back & change Out of ignorance or indifference Out of rebellion or stubbornness In God’s providence, some we can correct

4 Bad Decisions Lot Herod Jewish Rulers Felix & Agrippa

5 Bad Decisions Lot Lot was blessed to be with Abraham
Many possessions, Gen. 13:1, 5 Could not dwell together, Gen. 13:6 Strife, Gen. 13:7 Abraham deferred, Gen. 13:8, 9

6 Bad Decisions Lot Lot chose what looked best to his eyes
Material abundance, Gen. 13:10, 11 Lived near Sodom, Gen. 13:12, 13 Lived in Sodom, Gen. 14:12

7 Bad Decisions Lot Lot & family suffered from his decision
Home destroyed, Gen. 19:12, 13 Family lost, Gen. 19:14 Wife lost, Gen. 19:26 Daughters corrupted, Gen. 19:30-38

8 Bad Decisions Lot Do you think Lot regrets his decision, 2 Pt. 2:6-8
Material advantage above moral purity? Exposed your family to ungodliness? Ready to change things while there is time?

9 Bad Decisions Herod John preached the truth to Herod
& was jailed for it, Mk. 6:17 Rebuked for immorality, Mk. 6:18 Originally wanted to kill John, Mt. 14:5 Wife hated John, Mk. 6:19, 20

10 Bad Decisions Herod John was executed by Herod
Lustful & rash promise, Mk. 6:21-23 John’s head wanted, Mk. 6:24, 25 Caved to pressure, Mk. 6:26-28

11 Bad Decisions Herod Herod regretted his actions, Mk. 6:26
Tried to defend living in sin One sin opened the door for more sin Opposed the truth Opposed the one teaching the truth

12 Bad Decisions Herod Do you regret decisions made
while trying to remain in sin? Lied about your sins? Pressure to stay in sin & go further? Spoke against the truth? Opposed one teaching the truth?

13 Bad Decisions Jewish Rulers
Some rulers believed, but would not confess, Jn. 12:42, 43 Believed, but not saved, Jas. 2:24 Wanted man’s approval more than God’s, Gal. 1:10 Lost, Lk. 12:8, 9

14 Bad Decisions Jewish Rulers Do you think they regret their decision?
Are you refusing to obey due to pressure? Are you putting false religious tradition above submission to truth? Are you placing the approval of family above the approval of Christ? If so, you will regret it…in this life or the next

15 Bad Decisions Felix & Agrippa
Felix put off his obedience, Acts 24:22-27 Living in adultery Told what he must do Wanted a more convenient time It did not come

16 Bad Decisions Felix & Agrippa Agrippa was almost persuaded,
Acts 26:24-32 Knew the truth Almost became a Christian Did not

17 Bad Decisions Felix & Agrippa
Do you think they regret their decisions? Are you waiting for a more convenient time? Excuse for remaining in sin Lack of conviction No more convenient time

18 Bad Decisions Felix & Agrippa
Do you think they regret their decisions? Are you almost persuaded? Not persuaded Not saved Not going to heaven

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