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Does Lecture Capture, capture students

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1 Does Lecture Capture, capture students
In online and blended learning platforms

2 An experiment with technology
Margaret Conlon Edinburgh Napier University So, this presentation reports on a preliminary investigation into the student experience of online learning, specifically, of the perceived usefulness of recording teaching and learning materials for future retrieval. The presentation will discuss the strengths and concerns of lecture capture and provide data on the experiences of two separate student groups.

3 Regularly used in dazzlingly large lectures….

4 But received some criticism…
Recording contributes to non attendance Concerns about copying of material Concerns about lecturers losing spontaneity in presentation Concerns about student harassment Concerns that it contributes to surface learning

5 Lazy student………unhappy lecturer

6 What is Lecture capture?
the use of technology to record lectures and other teaching activities, for future retrieval (Ford 2012; Freed 2013) Students selectively identify captured lectures to playback and review, recap or revise materials following the first viewing Lecture capture affords greater flexibility in learning M Learning refers to the accessing of teaching and learning activities through mobile devices

7 For what purpose? Students selectively identify captured lectures to:
playback and review, recap or revise materials following the first viewing To enable greater flexibility in learning Widens access through mobile devices

8 So easy to do………… In 2014, Moodle was integrated with WebEx
Just press the ‘record’ button ?? Australian universities typically use ECHO 360 software to automatically capture over 1000 hours of lectures per week (Fei et al 2013) Edinburgh Napier University deployed Moodle as the VLE since 2013 In 2014, Moodle was integrated with WebEx Teachers can schedule their own meetings Single sign on from VLE Records sessions and attendance Students have single interface and automatic access In online environments it is very easy to do – less technological challenges as in face to face teaching But concerns about impact on student attendance and intellectual property rights continue. Also influence of recording on teachers VLE Virtual Learning Environment WebEX preinstalled on all on campus computers to make them WebEX ready to minimise technical difficulties

9 A Regular pursuit by all…….

10 Key Questions Are they viewed the captured lectures, and if so, why?
Are captured viewings (asynchronous) as helpful as live (synchronous) lectures? Does lecture capture enhance the accessibility of the module learning? Do the characteristics of the teaching and learning approach enhance the effectiveness of the lecture capture (Danielson et al 2014) Does lecture capture contribute to the ‘social presence’ experienced by students in online learning environments (Hostetter 2013) A framework developed by Garrison and Anderson 2004 Three domains to engaging in online learning each with equal weighting: Cognitive Presence Teacher Presence Social Presence Social Presence is identified as the ‘degree to which a person is perceived as a real person’ (Gunwardena and Zittle 1997) Evidence suggests that there is a relationship between the social presence and student learning outcomes Is there a relationship between lecture capture in online environments enhance the social presence

11 Guess the location of the students….
Student Group One: The Home group (n=13) Fully online module Weekly Online Lecture/tutorials using WebEx Supported by Units of Learning through the VLE platform Moodle All students also in practice learning four days/week Student Group Two: The International Group (n=36) Two days face to face intensive lecture days Four online lectures using WebEx over remaining 12 week trimester All working whilst undergoing part time study Data generated through an eight question online survey producing likert scale and open question responses Characteristics of the group similar – international more familiar with technology but less experienced in online learning. Home group more familiar with online learning but less skilled with technology. Neither group skilled with skills of digital literacy – searching retrieving reviewing literature online for example. Digital literacy is defined as holding the skills and competencies to learn through digital mechanisms. So, more than expertise with a smart phone! Digital natives vs digital immigrants argument relevant here as all young but not skilled with digital literacy. Response rate much higer in home group likely to be due to weekly contact providing higher teaching presence For both groups, academic pursuits are not the single activity – as with most undergraduate nurses work and placements are considerations when designing the learning approach. Discuss integration of Moodle with WebEx and demonstrate…..

12 What type of device do students use??
to access online learning

13 Captured viewings (synchronous) versus synchronous viewings

14 Why do students watch recorded lectures?

15 Live Online vs Lecture Capture (Home)
61% synchronous vs 69% asynchronous report as quite helpful – so lecture capture slightly more helpful than live lecture Synchronous Open question responses: helpful but need others to participate Sometimes difficulty in hearing when others are speaking Sometimes others take up too much time Sometimes difficult to speak – don’t feel confident enough Asynchronous Open question responses: Difficulties with hearing Sometimes difficult to follow

16 Live Online vs Lecture Capture (International)
61% synchronous vs 69% asynchronous report as quite helpful – so lecture capture slightly more helpful than live lecture Synchronous Open question responses: helpful but need others to participate Sometimes difficulty in hearing when others are speaking Sometimes others take up too much time Sometimes difficult to speak – don’t feel confident enough Asynchronous Open question responses: Difficulties with hearing Sometimes difficult to follow

17 Summary Findings suggest lecture capture should be used discriminately rather that automatically Lecture capture overwhelmingly perceived by students to be beneficial Lecture capture supports flexibility in student learning

18 BUT……. We need to supportive of developing digital learning skills
There is a need to create interactivity to promote engagement And there is a need to create more of a social presence ……students much more likely to engage if they know each other, even a little and even if it is only through the ether…….

19 Which teaching and learning activities are most effective
Which teaching and learning activities are most effective? 1-2=a little helpful 3-4 Somewhat helpful 5 = Very helpful Activity Between 1 &2 Between 3&4 5 Powerpoint presentations 46.2% 30.8% 23.1% Questions at the beginning of the lecture/tutorial 53.9% 7.7% Demonstrating literature searching 15.4% 76.9% Asking questions 38.5% Using videoclips 61.6% This question posed to the home group only as there was a range of teaching approaches used Power points perceived as most helpful but the least interactive However, the remaining four activities have some level of interaction and all are considered to be in the somewhat helpful category Level of interactivity relates to effectiveness of learning but is this transferable to experience of lecture capture views? Interaction creates a greater sense of ‘social presence’

20 Thank you for listening!

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