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Approach to Diagnosis of Ankylosing Spondylitis Iraj Salehi-Abari MD

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1 Approach to Diagnosis of Ankylosing Spondylitis Iraj Salehi-Abari MD
Approach to Diagnosis of Ankylosing Spondylitis Iraj Salehi-Abari MD., Internist Rheumatologist

2 In the name of God the merciful the compassionate

3 Iraj Salehi Abari

4 Iraj Salehi-Abari Definition: Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the axial skeleton with sacroiliitis and spondylitis, manifested by inflammatory LBP and progressive stiffness of the spine accompanied by enthesitis Amir Alam Hosp.

5 Previous names: Marrie Strumble disease Bechtereve disease
Iraj Salehi-Abari Previous names: Marrie Strumble disease Bechtereve disease Amir Alam Hosp.

6 Iraj Salehi-Abari Introduction: AS is the prototype member of the Spondyloarthritis (SpA) family of disorders SpA are characterized by: Spondylitis: Inflammatory LBP Sacroiliitis Enthesitis Arthritis HLA-B27 positivity Usually RF negativity Amir Alam Hosp.

7 SpondyloArthritis (SpA):
Iraj Salehi-Abari SpondyloArthritis (SpA): Ankylosing Spondylitis Reactive arthritis (Reiter’s Synd.) Psoriatic Arthritis Enteropathic Arthritis (IBD. R. A.) Juvenile Spodyloarthropathy Undifferentiated SpA Amir Alam Hosp.

8 Epidemiology: Chronic LBP is a common symptom
Iraj Salehi-Abari Epidemiology: Chronic LBP is a common symptom It occurs in > 80% of people Less than 5% of chronic LBP is inflammatory Prevalence of AS: % Amir Alam Hosp.

9 Definite inflammatory LBP:
Iraj Salehi-Abari Definite inflammatory LBP: LBP lasting for > 3 months and at least 4 out of 5 below parameters: Age at onset < 40 years Insidious onset Improvement with exercise No improvement with rest Pain at night (with improvement upon getting up) Amir Alam Hosp.

10 Probable inflammatory LBP type I*:
Iraj Salehi-Abari Probable inflammatory LBP type I*: LBP lasting for < 3 months and at least 4 out of 5 below parameters: Age at onset < 40 years Insidious onset Improvement with exercise No improvement with rest Pain at night (with improvement upon getting up) * [Defined by Iraj Salehi-Abari, Rheumatol Int, 2012] Amir Alam Hosp.

11 Probable inflammatory LBP type II*:
Iraj Salehi-Abari Probable inflammatory LBP type II*: LBP lasting for > 3 months and 2–3 out of 5 below parameters: Age at onset < 40 years Insidious onset Improvement with exercise No improvement with rest Pain at night (with improvement upon getting up) * [Defined by Iraj Salehi-Abari, Rheumatol Int, 2012] Amir Alam Hosp.

12 Iraj Salehi-Abari Epidemiology*: Mean age at diagnosis: years Male; 75%, Female: 25% Definite inflammatory LBP: #65% Probable inflammatory LBP: 25% Positive family history of AS: First-degree relatives: 8.5% Second-degree relatives: 1% HLA-B27 positivity in Iranian AS: 45% *Iraj Salehi-Abari, Early diagnosis of AS, Rheumatol Int. 2012, table 3 Amir Alam Hosp.

13 Initial presentation*:
Iraj Salehi-Abari Initial presentation*: History: A male (75%) with age of years Definite inflammatory LBP: #65% Probable inflammatory LBP: 25% Buttock pain (+) Family history (FH) of AS #10% *Iraj Salehi-Abari, Early diagnosis of AS, Rheumatol Int. 2012, table 3 Amir Alam Hosp.

14 Initial presentation*:
Iraj Salehi-Abari Initial presentation*: Physical examination: Lumbar LOM in all direction: 75% Positive sacral push test: > 20% Enthesitis: #30% Arthritis: 40% Limited chest expansion: < 2% No systemic manifestations *Iraj Salehi-Abari, Early diagnosis of AS, Rheumatol Int. 2012, table 3 Amir Alam Hosp.

15 Spinal limitation of motion:
Iraj Salehi-Abari Spinal limitation of motion: Schober sign: 10 cm above S1 (5. 1-2) Ott sign: 30 cm below C7 (2-4, 1-2) Fingertips-to-floor distance test Occiput to wall test Chest expansion test Amir Alam Hosp.

16 Positive sacral push test:
Iraj Salehi-Abari Positive sacral push test: Clinical sacroiliitis > 2+ tenderness on sacroiliac joints or the buttock elicited by direct vertical pressure over the centre of sacrum in prone position Amir Alam Hosp.

17 Enthesitis: Inflammation of Enthesis Achilles tendonitis
Iraj Salehi-Abari Enthesitis: Inflammation of Enthesis Achilles tendonitis Plantar fasciitis Costochondritis Others Amir Alam Hosp.

18 Imaging and Sacroiliitis:
Iraj Salehi-Abari Imaging and Sacroiliitis: Standard AP plain X-ray of the pelvis: It may show sacroiliitis with a delay of 8-10 years MRI of the pelvis; the most sensitive Whole Body Bone Scan (WBS) or Scintigraphy of Bones Amir Alam Hosp.

19 Radiological Sacroiliitis:
Iraj Salehi-Abari Radiological Sacroiliitis: Grade 0: Normal SI joints Grade 1: Suspicious changes of SI joints Grade 2: Minimal erosions or sclerosis of SI joints without altration in the joint width Grade 3: Moderate to significant erosions, sclerosis, Widening, narrowing, or Partial ankylosis of SI joints Grade 4: Total ankylosis of SI joints Amir Alam Hosp.

20 Radiological Sacroiliitis:
Iraj Salehi-Abari Radiological Sacroiliitis: In AS: Bilateral sacroiliitis is more common than Unilateral Symmetric sacroiliitis is a Hallmark feature In other SpA: Unilateral or Asymmetric sacroiliitis is a compatible feature Amir Alam Hosp.

21 HLA-B27 positivity: 10-fold increase in chance of AS In USA:
Iraj Salehi-Abari HLA-B27 positivity: 10-fold increase in chance of AS In USA: In North American whites: 7% In white AS: 90% In black AS: 45% In Iranian AS: 45% [ Iraj Salehi-Abari, Rheumatol Int, 2012] Amir Alam Hosp.

22 Extra-Articular (Systemic) features:
Iraj Salehi-Abari Extra-Articular (Systemic) features: Usually no initial presentation Eyes: Acute anterior asymmetric uveitis (A3U) 25-40% Renal: IgA nephropathy NSAIDs nephropathy Amyloidosis Urinary stones Amir Alam Hosp.

23 Extra-Articular (Systemic) features:
Iraj Salehi-Abari Extra-Articular (Systemic) features: Heart: Aortic regurgitation (AR) due to Aortitis Heart block (CHB) Lungs: Apical pulmonary fibrosis Bowel: Subclinical Ileo-colitis: 50% Amir Alam Hosp.

24 Extra-Articular (Systemic) features:
Iraj Salehi-Abari Extra-Articular (Systemic) features: Nervous system: Cervical myelopathy Atlantoaxial subluxation Fractures of C5-C6 Spinal canal stenosis Cauda equina syndrome Amir Alam Hosp.

25 Iraj Salehi-Abari 1984 Modified New York Classification Criteria for Ankylosing Spondylitis: Clinical criteria: LBP and stiffness for > 3 months that improves with exercise but is not relieved by rest Lumbar LOM (sagittal & frontal) Limitation of chest expansion Radiological criteria: Sacroiliitis grade > 2 bilaterally Sacroiliitis grade 3-4 unilaterally Amir Alam Hosp.

26 Iraj Salehi-Abari 1984 Modified New York Classification Criteria for Ankylosing Spondylitis: A patient is regarded as having definite AS if he or she fulfills at least one radiological criteria plus at least one clinical criteria It is Moderately specific and It has a low degree of sensitivity Amir Alam Hosp.

27 New York criteria is low sensitive and moderately specific because:
Iraj Salehi-Abari New York criteria is low sensitive and moderately specific because: Radiologic changes in pelvis X-ray appear with at least 8 years delay in most cases and MRI is not used for detecting Sacroiliitis Limited chest expansion is an uncommon and delayed finding Amir Alam Hosp.

28 New York criteria is low sensitive and moderately specific because:
Iraj Salehi-Abari New York criteria is low sensitive and moderately specific because: Inflammatory LBP is a leading symptom with sensitivity of 75% and it is typical in about 70-80% of patients with LBP It is not included FH of AS It is not included Enthesitis It is not included HLA-B27 positivity Amir Alam Hosp.

29 ASAS classification criteria for Axial SpA:
Iraj Salehi-Abari ASAS classification criteria for Axial SpA: ASAS: Assessment of SpondyloArthritis international Society It is for all Axial SpA Step I (Entry criteria): LBP for > 3 months in an age of onset of < 45 years Step II: HLA-B27 positivity or Sacroiliitis on imaging Amir Alam Hosp.

30 ASAS classification criteria for Axial SpA:
Iraj Salehi-Abari ASAS classification criteria for Axial SpA: Step III: HLA-B27 positivity with at least 2 features of SpA or Sacroiliitis with at least one feature of SpA SpA features: 1. Inflammatory LBP, 2. Arthritis, 3. Heel enthesitis, 4. Uveitis, 5. Dactylitis, 6. Psoriasis, 7. IBD, 8. Good response to NSAIDs within hours, 9. FH of SpA, 10. Elevated CRP Amir Alam Hosp.



33 Iraj Salehi-Abari Amir Alam Hosp.

34 Iran criteria for early diagnosis of AS:
Iraj Salehi-Abari Iran criteria for early diagnosis of AS: Entry criteria: No other prominent diagnosis such as other SpA (ReA, PsA, IBDrA) and Brucellosis is proposed according to the patient’s Hx. and Ph. Exam. Amir Alam Hosp.

35 Iran criteria for early diagnosis of AS:
Iraj Salehi-Abari Iran criteria for early diagnosis of AS: Clinical criteria: Up to 8 P. Inflammatory LBP: Definite P. Probable P. Positive family history of AS Up to 2 P. First-degree P. Second-degree P. Lumbar LOM in all directions P. Positive sacral push test P. Enthesitis &/or arthritis P. Amir Alam Hosp.

36 Iran criteria for early diagnosis of AS:
Iraj Salehi-Abari Iran criteria for early diagnosis of AS: Imaging criteria: Up to 3 P. AP X-ray or MRI of pelvis: Unilateral sacroiliitis (grade >2) P. Bilateral sacroiliitis (grade > 2) P. Whole body bone scan (WBS): Enthesitis &/or arthritis P. Spondylitis P. Sacroiliitis P. HLA-B27 positivity (+1) Amir Alam Hosp.

37 Iran criteria for early diagnosis of AS:
Iraj Salehi-Abari Iran criteria for early diagnosis of AS: Clinical criteria points Imaging criteria points HLA-B27 positivity point Amir Alam Hosp.

38 AS is the diagnosis if there are:
Iraj Salehi-Abari AS is the diagnosis if there are: Six clinical points or Five clinical and imaging points or If HLA-B27 is positive: Five clinical points or Four clinical and imaging points. Amir Alam Hosp.

39 “Amir Alam Hospital Guideline” approaching towards diagnosis of AS:
Iraj Salehi-Abari “Amir Alam Hospital Guideline” approaching towards diagnosis of AS: Step I: History and Physical examination Step II: AP X-ray of pelvis and HLA-B27 Step III: MRI of pelvis Step IV: Whole body bone scan (WBS) Amir Alam Hosp.

40 “Amir Alam Hospital Guideline” approaching towards diagnosis of AS:
Iraj Salehi-Abari “Amir Alam Hospital Guideline” approaching towards diagnosis of AS: The physician must go through the steps one by one and if Iran criteria for AS are not yet satisfied in each step, go through the next. Amir Alam Hosp.

41 “Amir Alam Hospital Guideline” approaching towards diagnosis of AS:
Iraj Salehi-Abari “Amir Alam Hospital Guideline” approaching towards diagnosis of AS: However, if the patients fulfil the criteria in the first step, we suggest the investigations be necessarily continued by the second step as in routine practice, a pelvic X-ray and HLA-B27 testing are beneficial for documentation and prognosis of AS patients Amir Alam Hosp.

42 Iran criteria versus New York criteria for diagnosis of AS:
Iraj Salehi-Abari Iran criteria versus New York criteria for diagnosis of AS: Sensitivity of Iran criteria is 100% from the initial presentation of disease Sensitivity of New York criteria: Two years after initial presentation: 48.4% Five years after initial presentation: 74.2% Ten years after initial presentation: 80% After 10 years: 92.1% Mean sensitivity: 74.2% Amir Alam Hosp.

43 Iran criteria versus New York criteria for diagnosis of AS:
Iraj Salehi-Abari Iran criteria versus New York criteria for diagnosis of AS: Specificity of Iran criteria is more than New York criteria? Iran criteria is a diagnostic criteria for AS but New York criteria has been made for classification of AS Amir Alam Hosp.

44 Iraj Salehi-Abari Conclusion: Iran criteria for AS is a highly sensitive instrument to detect AS in its early and late, clinical and subclinical, radiographic and pre-radiographic stages as well as atypical forms Amir Alam Hosp.

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