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Presentation on theme: "Panama."— Presentation transcript:

1 Panama

2 Wednesday, January 26th, 2011 Geography:
IN: What 2 oceans does Panama separate? Why does it have an important location?

3 Content Objective: Students will locate physical and human features on a thematic map of Panama and evaluate implications for society by categorizing the features into positive, negative, or neither.

4 Physical Characteristics:
Mountains, rivers, lakes, rain forest, farmland, islands, and coasts from oceans on 2 sides. Highest Mountain= 11,400 ft Rain Forest= 2nd largest in Western Hemisphere outside of Amazonian Basin (Brazil)

5 Climate: Warm (65F-85F most of year) Humid (air= very wet)
Atlantic side= 2x as much rain as on Pacific side.

6 Panama: Country Profile
Population: 3,405,813 Capital: Panama (City) Mestizo 58%, Mulatto 14% Native American 6.7% White 8.6% Asian 5.5% other 7.1%

7 Human Characteristics:
Language: Spanish (official) Religion: 80% Roman Catholic History: Pre 1500’s Panama was ruled by various Native America groups. 1538–1821. Panama= Spanish colony 1821 Panama rebelled from Spain, and was a part of Colombia. -1903 Panama got independence from Colombia with the help of the USA. -But USA demanded ownership of 10 mile wide strip of land from Atlantic to Pacific.

8 Think-Pair-Share- Predict
For what will the USA use this 10 mile wide zone of land from the Atlantic to the Pacific?

9 Canal= built by USA Many died building the canal: 5,600 during the USA construction Also 29,000 during a previous French construction attempt Most died from disease (Malaria and Yellow fever- both transmitted by Mosquito) Workers brought from: Africa, Asia, Europe, and United States.

10 Think-Pair-Share Looking back at the diversity of Panama’s population, how much was caused by the building of the Panama Canal? Mestizo 58%, Mulatto 14% Native American 6.7% White 8.6% Asian 5.5% other 7.1%

11 Other Human Characteristics:
Music: Reggae en Espanol (1970s) which led to Reggaeton Sports: Baseball Baseball Baseball! –Mariano Rivera Food: Corn, seafood, tropical fruits

12 Economic/ Business The Canal Today
14,702 vessels (ships) used it in 2008 For each vessel, Panama collects a toll. Canal earns $4.5 billion/yr Also, Adventure Tourism

13 OUT: Make a TT chart. Positive Negative Neither Categorize the features on your map into the 3 columns above, then write a paragraph explaining why.

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