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Section 11.1A Introduction to Limits

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1 Section 11.1A Introduction to Limits
Ex 1: You are given 24 inches of wire and are asked to form a rectangle whose area is as large as possible. What dimensions should the rectangle have?

2 Def: If f (x) becomes arbitrarily close to a unique L
Def: If f (x) becomes arbitrarily close to a unique L as x approaches c from either side, the limit of f (x) as x approaches c is L. this is written as Use a table to numerically estimate the limits below: Ex 2: Ex 3:

3 Use a graphing calculator to estimate the limits
below: Ex 4: Ex 5:

4 Ex 6: Show graphically that the limit does not exist.

5 Ex 7: Discuss the existence of the limit.
The value of the function increases without bound since the closer x gets to 0, the higher the value of the function becomes.

6 Ex 8: Discuss the existence of the limit.
The value “oscillates” between 1 and -1 as x gets closer and closer to 0.

7 Suggested Assignment:
Section 11.1A pg 750 – 751 #3 – 22

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