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Ms. Anderson & Mrs. Gilbert 12/15/16

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Anderson & Mrs. Gilbert 12/15/16"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Anderson & Mrs. Gilbert 12/15/16
Asia 1945-Present Ms. Anderson & Mrs. Gilbert 12/15/16

2 Warm-Up Compare & contrast the leadership of Mao Zedong & Deng Xiaoping.

3 Daily Objectives Lesson Essential Question Behavior Objective How did the political and economic changes affect East and Southeast Asia during the 20th century? G R O U P S

4 Asian Tigers 4 small Asian nations that became “newly industrialized countries” by the 1980s Known for their economic growth Similar roads to modernization after 1945 All influenced by China & Confucian traditions Asian Tigers – Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore & South Korea


6 Modern Japan Watch the video clip in order to answer the questions
om/watch?v=EhzCuL4 g1Jw

7 Asian Tigers & Not Asian Tigers
Each table has a different reading Read about each country Complete your organizer Work with the people around you Move to the next station when complete

8 Exit Slip – Compare & Contrast
What are the similarities & differences between the Asian Tigers & non-Asian Tigers? Use your organizer to help you Work with the people around you

9 Work Time India Political Cartoon (already due)
World War II Battle Poster (due Friday) Asia Map Activity (due Friday) Study for Asia Unit Assessment (Tuesday)

10 Closure How did the political and economic changes affect East and Southeast Asia during the 20th century?

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