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You... Light up..... my life

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Presentation on theme: "You... Light up..... my life"— Presentation transcript:

1 You... Light up..... my life

2 I understand the properties of light...
(1. It is a form of energy!...I can prove it!) (2. How it is produced) (3. How it interacts with objects)

3 Study guide: In a drawing, show how energy can move through an ecosystem. Prove that energy is neither created or destroyed--- It simply changes form. (This can be hand drawn or computer generated) Draw an atom and label the various parts. Research and then draw what makes an atom carry a negative charge. (buddy task) What makes light occur? Make a chart displaying the various ways that light can interacts with objects.

4 Light Energy is neither created or simply changes forms a form of energy because it has the ability to do work Ex: When light energy from the sun hits a black shirt it begin to heat the shirt because light energy is turned into thermal energy Energy is neither created or simply changes forms

5 Review ****** Producers turn light energy into chemical energy which consumers eat and turn into sound energy...thermal energy and kinetic energy herbivores carnivores omnivores Plants Sun

6 Neutrons---carry no charge and found in nucleus
How is light made...ON THE MOVE...Let me explain!!! electrons---carry a negative charge and found in outside orbits Nucleus---center of atom Protons---carry a positive charge and found in nucleus Neutrons---carry no charge and found in nucleus

7 Atomic structure Nucleus is the center of an atom... Proton carry a positive charge Neutrons carry no charge Electron orbit the nucleus They carry a negative charge **Positive charge of the protons keep the electrons from flying off into space ** Atoms want to have an equal number of protons and electron...this make them neutral....HAPPY ATOMS







14 Electrons...jump orbits and when they do
they release energy which we see as a burst of light...Photons

15 Travels in straight line
And...its fast...186,000 miles per second Sun light leaving our star reaches us in 8 minutes Are all objects visible? ONLY.... if reflection or refraction occurs

16 Another REVIEW !!!!

17 Quizlet link Computer resources


19 Study Guide I can compare why we see black and why we see white. I can compare reflection to refraction. (Venn Diagram) How does the surface of an object effect its reflection. If light hits a smooth surface at 20 degrees at what angle will it reflect? Why do we see colors?(buddy task) Draw how convex lenses are different than concave lens?

20 Task1

21 Task 2

22 Task 3

23 Reflection..... An absolute must see! (Get the pun?)

24 So.... why do I see colors?

25 Fact #1 we see white light when all the colors of the spectrum are reflected back into our eyes

26 Fact # 2 You see colors ...when white light hits an object and all the colors are absorbed except for the color which you see---that color is reflected by the object and comes back to your eye. So red objects reflect red --- orange objects reflect orange --- green reflect green .... etc white light red green all other colors are absorbed

27 All the colors are absorbed and nothing is reflected back to the eye
Fact #3 All the colors are absorbed and nothing is reflected back to the eye

28 Reflection is when light bounces off an object
Reflection is when light bounces off an object. If the surface is smooth and shiny, like glass, water or polished metal, the light will reflect at the same angle as it hit the surface. Reflection involves a change in direction of waves when they bounce off a barrier. Refraction of waves involves a change in the direction of waves as they pass from one medium to another. Refraction, or the bending of the path of the waves, is accompanied by a change in speed and wavelength of the waves.

29 2



32 when light bounces off an object
types... Specular reflection-light bouncing off a mirror type flat and mirror like Diffuse reflection - light bouncing off an irregular,bumpy surface Important Law: the angle of incidence equal angle of reflection Refraction...the bending of light as it moves through different mediums It does not occur if light hits medium at a 90 degree angle The fish would be below because the light bends it refracts...




36 Refraction causes the rainbow effect

37 Lens… bend light for a reason
Convex lens are thickest in the middle Magnifying glasses

38 Concave lens are thickest along the edges

39 Lens computer activity
Rule for magnifying glasses… Light will bend towards the thickest part of a lens. Lens computer activity

40 Gizmos Quizlet

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