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Draught Finder Trevor Clark 8. Thermal Infrared Inspections

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2 Draught Finder Trevor Clark 8. Thermal Infrared Inspections
Qualified Thermographer Non Destructive Testing Member of UK Thermography Association

3 Thermal Infrared Inspections
What is a Thermal Infrared Inspection? Because a Thermal Infrared camera allows us to “see” the energy difference across an object surface instantly, the inspection can be very quick. The Thermal Infrared camera detects heat patterns and the trained technician can determine what is happening. A Thermal Infrared Camera is a great tool. …… but is it only a tool. A trained technician can provide a conclusion that will provide you with an interpretation of the images that can help you make informed maintenance and investment decisions.

4 Thermal Infrared Inspections
What is a Thermal Infrared Inspection? Our trained technician uses the Thermal Infrared camera to “see” the energy difference across an object surface. BUILDING INSPECTIONS Damp, Condensation, Air, Energy & Water Leaks Air Leakage, Thermal Bridging, Thermal Bypass, Insulation problems etc. Prior to starting the inspection, the technician will ask a number of questions; 1. What is the nature of the problem you hope a Thermal Inspection will find? 2. Is the problem internal or external? 3. Can you increase the internal temperature for 12 hours before the inspection? For INTERNAL Inspections the technician will arrive and perform the inspection, you may accompany the technician during the inspection. A verbal report while client is in attendance can be more cost effective than the written option. For EXTERNAL Inspections the technician will arrive early in the morning or late in the day – normally before dawn or after sunset. The weather condition prior to the inspection should have been dry for the previous 24/48 hours. Damp, Rain or Heavy Frost prevents good thermal images from being taken.

5 Thermal Infrared Inspections
What is a Thermal Infrared Inspection? ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS Prior to starting the inspection, the technician will ask a number of questions; 1. What is the nature of the problem you hope a Thermal Inspection will find? 2. Is the maintenance or other competent person available to accompany him? 3. Will the full electrical load be on the circuits to be inspected? 4. Is there any equipment where the power supply cover cannot be removed safely? For INTERNAL Electrical Inspections the technician will arrive and perform the inspection, your maintenance staff must accompany the technician during the inspection. For EXTERNAL Electrical Inspections the technician will arrive early in the morning or late in the day – your maintenance staff must accompany the technician during the inspection. Rain may prevent a safe inspection from being undertaken.

6 Thermal Infrared Inspections
What is a Thermal Infrared Inspection? MECHANICAL INSPECTIONS Prior to starting the inspection, the technician will ask a number of questions; 1. What is the nature of the problem you hope a Thermal Inspection will find? 2. Is the maintenance or other competent person available to accompany him? 3. Will the full load be on the equipment to be inspected? 4. Is there any equipment where the safety barriers cannot be removed safely? For INTERNAL Inspections the technician will arrive and perform the inspection, client should accompany the technician during the inspection. For EXTERNAL Inspections the technician will arrive – normally before dawn or after sunset. The weather condition prior to the inspection should have been dry for the previous 24/48 hours. Damp, Rain or Heavy Frost prevents good thermal images from being taken.

7 Thermal Infrared Inspections
What is a Thermal Infrared Inspection? ROOF INSPECTIONS Prior to starting the inspection, the technician will ask a number of questions; 1. What is the nature of the problem you hope a Thermal Inspection will find? 2. Is there a competent person available to accompany him? 3. Can you increase the internal temperature for 12 hours before the inspection? 4. Is the problem solely external or are there internal signs? For INTERNAL Inspections the technician will arrive and perform the inspection, you may accompany the technician during the inspection. For EXTERNAL Inspections the technician will arrive early in the morning or late in the day – normally before dawn or after sunset. The weather condition prior to the inspection should have been dry for the previous 12/24 hours. Damp, Rain or Heavy Frost prevents good thermal images from being taken. But some drying water should be present.

8 Powerful & Accurate! So many uses; Thermal Infrared inspections
Why have a Thermal Infrared Inspection? Advantages of Non-Contact Thermography Safety – Safe inspection of operating plant such as electrical and mechanical systems power can be left ‘ON’ during inspection. No disruption to workflow 2. Remote – target can be inaccessible to contact instruments or in motion. High ceilings, (No H&S Issues) 3. Non-Intrusive – some materials can be damaged by contact or could change temperature with contact. 4. Measurement Speed – objects that are changing rapidly in temperature or moving can be measured. F1 & Super bikes on TV! So many uses; Powerful & Accurate! Anomalies can be seen ‘instantly’ as we walk through the inspection.

9 Thermal Imaging is a great tool for a technician
Thermal Infrared Inspections Infrared technology provides us with a “6th sense” Infrared allows a trained operator to “see” what we cannot normally see with our eyes. It is rarely just a matter of simply turning up and pointing the camera in right direction. Which will establish where the problem actually is. With an increase in temperature and while we have cold dry conditions outside. Thermal Imaging is a great tool for a technician - but it is only a tool !

10 The box indicates the thermal image size
Thermal Infrared Inspections EXAMPLE Visible Image Thermal Image The box indicates the thermal image size We take two images, one visible, one thermal. Generally, any anomaly is apparent as we view the picture on the cameras screen The Thermal Infrared Images contains vast amounts of data, 19,200 temperature points!

11 We provide a complete report including photo’s for fast rectification.
Thermal Infrared inspections We are available to conduct Thermal Inspections on virtually anything! In fact anywhere there is a temperature difference – we can find the problem; QUICKLY COST EFFECTIVLEY Saving you money! We provide a complete report including photo’s for fast rectification.

12 Thermal Infrared Inspections
If air is invisible, how do you find leaks? To “see” the air leakage area we use an Infrared Camera. This technique is used when the building is under “Negative” pressure It is quick, accurate and non-destructive, with minimal disturbance.

13 Thermal Infrared Inspections
The Power of Combining an Air Inspection with Thermal IR Camera Technology Consumer Unit Before fan is switched on Yes, an apparent problem … But within 5 minutes of fan running Now we can see just how bad the air leak from cables behind the unit, actually is!

14 Thermal Infrared Inspections
Example Images from a Building Inspection Small Fluorescent light fitting in kitchen All looks ‘normal’ Until we see the air leak caused by cable hole behind, with the IR Camera Light Fitting

15 Thermal Infrared Inspections
Example Images from a Building Inspection Lounge floor, note lino if fixed along centre. Lino has lifted and bowed Can you see the gaps in floor boards? Air from gaps in floor boards has lifted lino and is increasing heating costs for occupier. Flooring

16 Thermal Infrared Inspections
Example Images from a Building Inspection Newly decorated room, previously had mould, cured? Temporary, until next winter. Air gets under insulation and cools ceiling below. Thermal Bypass Also, Insulation in wall has slipped. Ceiling will get cold again, condensation will form and mould will return.

17 Thermal Infrared Inspections
Example Images from a Building Inspection Between window frame and structure opening. Gap in seal is allowing air to enter. Sp1 Also, Thermal Bridging due to brick work return to form reveal opening. Both these problems increase heating costs. But also allow condensation and mould to grow

18 Thermal Infrared Inspections
If you are experiencing any of the problems in the previous slides, please call TREVOR for an informal discussion on how we can help find potential problems. heating costs Mob: Thank you for reading …. Check out our other Slide Presentations in this series For more examples of Thermal Images, please see our “Sample Infrared Images”


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