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Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand

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1 Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand
A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption

2 Unbroken: A Biography Unbroken is a nonfiction book, not a novel. This means that the events in the book are based on a true story, based on historical research and Zamperini’s own accounts, along with witnesses. Biographies often inspire readers or allow them to take away life lessons from the story.

3 Who is Louis Zamperini? Growing up- Louis Zamperini was an incorrigible delinquent. As a teenager, he channeled his defiance into running, discovering a prodigious talent that had carried him to the Berlin Olympics. In World War II he became an airman, embarking on a journey that led to a doomed flight on a May afternoon in 1943. When his Army Air Forces bomber crashed into the Pacific Ocean, against all odds, Zamperini survived, adrift on a life raft. Ahead of Zamperini lay thousands of miles of open ocean, leaping sharks, thirst and starvation, enemy aircraft, eventually being rescued, only to be taken prisoner by the Japanese. Zamperini would answer desperation with ingenuity; suffering with hope, resolve, and humor; brutality with rebellion. His fate, whether triumph or tragedy, would be suspended on the fraying wire of his will.

4 Young Zamperini running in a race

5 Zamperini as a Bombardier

6 Pre-reading questions
How do people get labeled? Is it possible to change one’s reputation or the impression one makes on others? When faced with adversity or hardships, what makes one person more admirable than another? Can sports or athletics motivate people to change for the better? How so?

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