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Extreme Weather Disasters Wildlife/Environment

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Presentation on theme: "Extreme Weather Disasters Wildlife/Environment"— Presentation transcript:

1 Extreme Weather Disasters Wildlife/Environment
Fresh Food Extreme Weather Disasters Warm weather Natural Resources Friendly People Entertainment Space to Play Safety Why do people move? Friends and Family Church/Religion Push vs. Pull Factors Security Internet/Wifi Privacy Clean Air No Terrorists Close to Work Wildlife/Environment Freedom No Drugs Healthcare


3 Why do people move? Social

4 Why do people move? Environmental

5 Why do people move? Economic

6 Why do people move? Political

7 Why do people move? Health

8 Migration Survey Political (Government , Laws, Rights)
Economic (Money, Employment, Opportunities) Social (People, Family) Environmental (Space Around You; Natural and Human Made) Health (Personal/Physical and Access to Healthcare)

9 Migration Survey “I didn’t have much choice. My mother and father decided we needed to move. I was seven years old, so I went with them.” Political Economic Social Environmental Health

10 Migration Survey “My wife and I were living in a really rough neighbourhood. We were expecting our first child, so we knew we needed to buy a house in a safer place to raise a family.” Political Economic Social Environmental Health

11 Migration Survey “My father needed hip surgery. It was going to be two-year wait in our old country, so we decided to move in order to get him into a hospital sooner.” Political Economic Social Environmental Health

12 Migration Survey “There were no opportunities for girls in my home country. I knew if I stayed there, I would never be able to get a job or do anything different with my life. I needed to get out to a place where I had more freedom.” Political Economic Social Environmental Health

13 Migration Survey “Well, my friend called me and said that he had just started up a new business and he had a job for me. I had just graduated university and I was hoping to start a family soon, so I figured I should give it a shot.” Political Economic Social Environmental Health

14 Migration Survey “This new country just offered so much more. We were told that we would receive fair wages, steady employment, and free healthcare. Plus they had parks and beautiful trees and lakes. On top of all that, my brother and his family moved there last year.” Political Economic Social Environmental Health

15 Migration Survey Take a look at the answers to your migration survey. Which of the following reasons influenced the person you surveyed to move or stay in the same place? (You may pick more than one.) Political (Government , Laws, Rights) Economic (Money, Employment, Opportunities) Social (People, Family) Environmental (Space Around You; Natural and Human Made) Health (Personal/Physical and Access to Healthcare)

16 Tallying Our Results: Class: Category Totals Political Social Health
Economic Social Environment Health Other Category Totals

17 Tallying Our Results: Class: Category Totals Political Social Health
Economic Social Environment Health Other Category Totals

18 Migration Survey Analysis
What do you notice first when you look at the numbers from our surveys? Does anything surprise you? Which factors seem to have the greatest affect on movement around the world? Why do think this is so? Which factors seem to have the least affect on movement around the world? Why do think this is so? What do these numbers NOT tell you about the reasons why people move? What more do you need to know to fully understand the results from the survey? Reflection Question: Based off of our numbers, what are some things that the Canadian government could do to attract people to move to Canada?

19 Helpful Videos on Migration
Push and Pull Factors in Immigration Push Pull Factors Why do people migrate?

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