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OTF’s Collective Impact Stream

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1 OTF’s Collective Impact Stream
OTF & Tamarack webinar OTF’s Collective Impact Stream May 2016

2 Technical Considerations
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3 Collective Impact Webinar Series
[OTF PM] Welcome to today’s session. “I would like to acknowledge that we are on the traditional territory of the [[insert name of appropriate First Nations, territories]. We are grateful to have the opportunity to convene on this territory.” Today we are looking forward to offering you all: An overview of Collective Impact – which is a distinct form of collaboration; An opportunity to determine if Collective Impact IS or IS NOT the right approach for your issue; and, An understanding of the focus of the Ontario Trillium Foundation’s Collective Impact Grant Stream – both its focus on AND how we envision it being implemented The Ontario Trillium Foundation has partnered with Tamarack – An Institute for Community Engagement – to work with us to build Collective Impact Capacity – both within the OTF as well as in communities. Today’s workshop is the first step in this capacity-building. This workshop is now being co-delivered by OTF and Tamarack in each of our 16 granting regions over the next month. Introduce OTF & Tamarack staff who will be leading today’s session. And don’t forget to tweet…the hashtag is #CollectiveImpact!

4 Collective Impact and Shared Measurement
Your Webinar Leader Paul Born President Tamarack Institute

5 Webinar overview Overview of implementing Collective Impact in the first 12 months Identify how you can set up your collective impact effort for success Discover tools that can help deepen your understanding of collective impact and early stage implementation [OTF PM] OTF Workshop Lead review today’s session goals.

6 Collective Impact: A Definition
What is it? “Collective Impact is the commitment of a group of important actors from different sectors to a common agenda for solving a specific social problem, using a structured form of collaboration.” - Kania, J. and Kramer, M. (2011). Collective Impact. Stanford Social Innovation Review [TAMARACK] Collective Impact is a disciplined, multi-sector, collaborative approach to addressing complex social and/or environmental issues on a large scale. The 5 conditions & 3 pre-conditions of Collective Impact were first identified in an article by John Kania & Mark Kramer of FSG Social Impact Consultants in an article they co-authored which was published in the Stanford Social Innovation Review in 2011 Kania & Kramer developed the Collective Impact Framework from work that they were commissioned to do by a group of philanthropists who were curious to know whether their investments had generated any long term impact. While Kania and Kramer’s research confirmed that the majority of funder investments WERE SUCCESSFUL in having i impact for program participants enrolled in the programs that they had funded…there were a handful of “outliers” that had been successful in not only impacting program participants – but also in advancing lasting systems change on the issue they were focused on. These were the ones that Kania and Kramer were curious about. The Conditions & pre-conditions of Collective Impact described the consistent ways that the diverse “outlier projects” had been designed.

7 Collective ImpaCt Collaboration as usual Single sector approach
What it is not! Collaboration as usual Single sector approach A focus on individual programs and single focused solutions Short term impacts [TAMARACK]

8 Pre-conditions for collective impact
Influential Champion(s) Urgency of issue Adequate Resources [TAMARACK]

9 The 5 CONDITIONS of collective impact
[TAMARACK] In reviewing these conditions, it’s important to emphasize the following: COMMON AGENDA – This is both a shared vision, but also includes a common understanding of the problem/issue AND agreement on the joint approach that partners agree to undertake to solve it. SHARED MEASUREMENT – This is the condition that really distinguishes Collective Impact from other collaborative approaches; it speaks to using data to both define the initial problem and also to track the group’s progress over time. It also assumes that the collaborative has agreed-up methods for collecting and making sense of the data. MUTUALLY REINFORCING ACTIVITIES – The early impact of Collective Impact efforts is often achieved when a diversity of players learns how to better link up and align their various programs and services. CONTINUOUS COMMUNICATION – This includes: shared understanding amongst partners regarding how they will be with each other; as well as considering how the collaborative keeps their respective organizations as well as the public informed of their progress and what they are learning. BACKBONE SUPPORT – Because Collective Impact requires a diversity of sectors and perspectives to work together, intentional effort – and investment – has to be made to ensure that the work of various partners is well coordinated.

10 “if only it were that easy”
First 12 months

11 First 12-18 months Governance and Infrastructure Strategic Planning
Community Involvement Phase I Pre-Launch Phase II Initiate Action Phase III Organize for Impact Phase IV Implementing and Sustaining Impact Components for Success Core team of local cross-sector stakeholders determine feasibility for collective impact Identify champions and form cross-sector Steering Committee Evaluation And Improvement Create backbone infrastructure; form work groups Facilitate collaboration across groups; refine structure as needed Hold dialogues about issue, community context, and available resources SC members share understanding of problem and vision for change in preliminary common agenda Finalize full common agenda (common goals and strategic priorities) and how it will be pursued Data is used to learn, improve, and refine strategies and metrics Community stakeholders engaged to provide input on appropriateness and readiness for CI Engage the community to help frame common agenda Engage community and build public will around common agenda, and to identify / lead strategies Community participates in decision-making / implementation; Consistent external updates shared Determine if there is consensus/urgency to move forward Key issues and gaps are identified by SC using data and stakeholder input Establish population level goals and shared measures (indicators, measurement, and approach) Data is collected, tracked, reported and used by partners to learn and improve

12 Thinking System - Transformational Work
Moving “the system” from incremental change thinking to transformational change thinking Catalyzing collective leadership Our work is to help system leaders to understand the greater system and the complexity of which they are a part. Foster a different, deeper type of dialogue that leads to greater clarity, understanding of difference and innovation. Shift collective focus from reactive problem solving to co creating the future

13 Transformational Work - Shifts
Five shifts in Perspective From deficit based to asset based Putting trust and relationships at the centre Shift to inclusive data Energy (knowing who and what to emphasize) Finding blind spots

14 Your Board Chair asks, “what will you actually do”?
Our month deliverables: Build Community Will to address the issue (Engagement Strategy) Quick win projects (practice getting things done together) Draft a community plan (Common Agenda and Shared measurement) Formalize the network - those that will adopt and implement the plan (mutually reinforcing activities) Agree on a governance model for plan implementation (the backbone role) Raise the funds (partners) to implement the strategy

15 1. Build trust – Engage – Learn Together
Start by Engaging a small team of people you trust Build trust – ask, “what is the change we want to see”? Map the system and identify the people you want to engage Invite system leaders to join your group, welcome diversity. Develop an engagement strategy. Build trust – learn everything you can from everyone you can - about the change you want to see.

16 2. Practice Adaptive Leadership
Build trust – understand relevant and obscure data. Discuss it with everyone. Learn together. Adapt… Keep track of everyone, communicate with them regularly. (Database, direct mail etc.) Adapt… When people are inspired to act, encourage them, help them. Share what they do with everyone. Let go…. Adapt The momentum builds – use this to consider your next step. Take the next step together. Plan - Adapt…

17 3. The Backbone role Emerging
An individual convenes the discussion A small team leads the exploration – most are paid by their own organizations and are giving their time A leadership roundtable is formed Staff support the work, at times a key staff person is hired, other times consultants Strong organization with charitable status is sponsor or fiscal agent.

18 4. Communicate your idea Newsletter Data sheets Stories to inspire
A data base of names is one of your greatest assets. Actually worth a $1 million. Find a reason to communicate weekly – have various products: Newsletter Data sheets Stories to inspire Social media The stories you share shape the behaviours you want to see

19 5. Build an Engagement Strategy
Inform - Consult – Involve is a package Excellent brochures, website, be creative Community conversations Learning Events Tours, movies, dinners, etc. be creative Big events and kitchen table events Make it formal: Develop plan Set targets Establish budget Allocate leads to each strategy

20 6. Draft a Plan Table of contents: Executive Summary
Who are we, the consensus we have reached and why a collective impact approach? What is the change we want to see? What is happening now? Vision and Goals Strategy and Targets Governance Model Budget Appendices that support what we say

21 7. A Formal Backbone is Established
Governance model is adopted Staff is hired Group incorporates or sponsored Sponsoring organization defines HR policies, financial policies, legal policies. Sponsoring organization gives strategy and operations responsibility to LRT. Most often has two seats on LRT.

22 Your Board Chair asks, “what will you actually do”?
Our month deliverables: Build Community Will to address the issue (Engagement Strategy) Quick win projects (practice getting things done together) Draft a community plan (Common Agenda and Shared measurement) Formalize the network - those that will adopt and implement the plan (mutually reinforcing activities) Agree on a governance model for plan implementation (the backbone role) Raise the funds (partners) to implement the strategy

23 “if only it were that easy”
Closing Thought “if only it were that easy”

24 Questions, Comments, A’Ha’s

25 THE OTF: who are we? Our Mission: To build healthy and vibrant communities throughout Ontario How? We strengthen the capacity of the voluntary sector, through investments in community-based initiatives. Our Impact: We invest in some 1,000 organizations every year We are Canada’s largest granting foundation – awarding $110 million each year Over the next decade we will invest $1billion in Ontario [OTF PM]

26 OTF’s Collective Impact GRANT STREAM
Bringing fundamental change with collective action

27 WHERE TO START? How to contact OTF?
Have a Collective Impact initiative? Want to access OTF funding? Visit the ‘What we Fund’ page of and click on Collective Impact Contact the OTF Support Centre at   x303 or OR Contact your local OTF Program Manager to discuss your initiative [OTF STRATEGY LEAD]

28 Up coming Tamarack Events & Webinars
One Day Events Upside Down Thinking | September 12, 2016 in Red Deer, Alberta Accelerating Community change with Collective Impact | September 15, 2016 in Winnipeg, Manitoba Multi Day Event Evaluating Community Impact | November 15-17, 2016 Hamilton, ON Webinars CCI webinar series:: Collective Impact 3.0 with Liz Weaver and Mark Cabaj- September Noon to 1:00pm ET

29 for joining us today! [TAMARACK]
You will receive an with a link to a workshop evaluation – we’d love to hear your feedback.

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