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Fig. 2 Patterns of twice-weekly plasma P in C, T60, CP, and TP sheep (n = 6/group) during the first breeding season (P1), anestrous season (P2; shaded.

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Presentation on theme: "Fig. 2 Patterns of twice-weekly plasma P in C, T60, CP, and TP sheep (n = 6/group) during the first breeding season (P1), anestrous season (P2; shaded."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fig. 2 Patterns of twice-weekly plasma P in C, T60, CP, and TP sheep (n = 6/group) during the first breeding season (P1), anestrous season (P2; shaded area), and the second breeding season (P3). T60 ewe 210 was not sampled during P2. The other two controls (not shown) cycled normally both years. One of the other two T60 females (ewe 270) showed some disruption in yr 1 and further deterioration in yr 2; the other T60 female (ewe 242) cycled normally in both years (data not shown). Note the severe disruption in progestogenic cycles of the T60 females and the occurrence of cycles in four of five TP animals in P3 (one died). TP ewe 240 showed chronically elevated P levels, possibly due to luteal cysts. From: Fetal Programming: Prenatal Testosterone Treatment Leads to Follicular Persistence/Luteal Defects; Partial Restoration of Ovarian Function by Cyclic Progesterone Treatment Endocrinology. 2006;147(4): doi: /en Endocrinology | Copyright © 2006 by The Endocrine Society

2 Fig. 1 Schematic showing experimental design
Fig. 1 Schematic showing experimental design. The study spanned 2 yr and included the first two breeding seasons (P1 and P3) and the intervening anestrus period (P2). During the first breeding season, all C and T60 sheep underwent daily transrectal ultrasonography for 8 d. During anestrus, subsets of C and T60 females were treated cyclically with CIDR every 17 d for 14 d. During the second breeding season, subsets of C and CP, and all T60 and TP sheep were estrous synchronized by two PGF<sub>2α</sub> injections, and daily ultrasonography was performed for a maximum of 21 d from the day of the second injection. Twice weekly blood samples were taken 1) during both breeding seasons from all ewes and 2) during the anestrous season from all CIDR-treated ewes and subsets of C and T60 sheep for plasma P measurements. Daily blood samples were also collected during the 21-d scanning period for plasma P measurements. From: Fetal Programming: Prenatal Testosterone Treatment Leads to Follicular Persistence/Luteal Defects; Partial Restoration of Ovarian Function by Cyclic Progesterone Treatment Endocrinology. 2006;147(4): doi: /en Endocrinology | Copyright © 2006 by The Endocrine Society

3 Fig. 3 P cycle dynamics in C (includes both C and CP groups), T60, and TP females during the first and second breeding seasons. □, C; ▪, T60; , TP. Shown are 1) the percentage of animals with normal cycles, 2) the percentage of animals with subluteal cycles, 3) the total number of progestogenic cycles during each breeding season, and 4) the average duration of progestogenic cycle during each breeding season. From: Fetal Programming: Prenatal Testosterone Treatment Leads to Follicular Persistence/Luteal Defects; Partial Restoration of Ovarian Function by Cyclic Progesterone Treatment Endocrinology. 2006;147(4): doi: /en Endocrinology | Copyright © 2006 by The Endocrine Society

4 Fig. 6 Total number of follicles in size classes 2 mm or larger, 3–4 mm, larger than 4–8 mm, and larger than 8 mm detected by ultrasonography in ovaries of C and T60 sheep in yr 1 (8-d scan; n = 8 and 14 for C and T60 sheep, respectively) and C (C and CP combined), T60, and TP sheep in yr 2 (18–21 d scan; n = 8, 5, and 5 for C, T60, and TP sheep, respectively). □, C; ▪, T60; ▨ TP. Follicles were counted only once during their life span. As a result, on any given day although more follicles were visualized in T60 animals, newly emerging cohorts of follicles were far fewer, contributing to the lower number. From: Fetal Programming: Prenatal Testosterone Treatment Leads to Follicular Persistence/Luteal Defects; Partial Restoration of Ovarian Function by Cyclic Progesterone Treatment Endocrinology. 2006;147(4): doi: /en Endocrinology | Copyright © 2006 by The Endocrine Society

5 Fig. 7 Duration of follicles in size classes 3 mm or larger, 3–4 mm, larger than 4–8 mm, and larger than 8 mm detected by ultrasonography in ovaries of C and T60 sheep in yr 1 and C (C and CP combined), T60, and TP sheep in yr 2. □, C; ▪, T60; ▨, TP. Only one C sheep had a follicle larger than 8 mm in both years. Statistical comparison, therefore, was restricted to the number of animals in each treatment group with follicles larger than 8 mm. From: Fetal Programming: Prenatal Testosterone Treatment Leads to Follicular Persistence/Luteal Defects; Partial Restoration of Ovarian Function by Cyclic Progesterone Treatment Endocrinology. 2006;147(4): doi: /en Endocrinology | Copyright © 2006 by The Endocrine Society

6 Fig. 8 Number, size, and duration of persistent follicles in ovaries of C and T60 sheep in yr 1 and C (C and CP combined), T60, and TP sheep in yr 2. □, C; ▪, T60; ▨, TP. Persistent follicles were present in all T60 sheep in both years vs. none in C sheep in yr 1 and one of eight C sheep in yr 2. Note that cyclic P treatment did not reduce the occurrence of persistent follicles. From: Fetal Programming: Prenatal Testosterone Treatment Leads to Follicular Persistence/Luteal Defects; Partial Restoration of Ovarian Function by Cyclic Progesterone Treatment Endocrinology. 2006;147(4): doi: /en Endocrinology | Copyright © 2006 by The Endocrine Society

7 Fig. 9 Number, size, and duration of nonpersistent follicles in ovaries of C and T60 sheep in yr 1 and C (C and CP combined), T60, and TP sheep in yr 2. □, C; ▪, T60; ▨, TP. Note the reduction in the number of nonpersistent follicles in T60 sheep compared with C sheep in yr 2, but not in yr 1, and the recovery in the number of nonpersistent follicles in TP sheep. From: Fetal Programming: Prenatal Testosterone Treatment Leads to Follicular Persistence/Luteal Defects; Partial Restoration of Ovarian Function by Cyclic Progesterone Treatment Endocrinology. 2006;147(4): doi: /en Endocrinology | Copyright © 2006 by The Endocrine Society

8 Fig. 4 Ovarian follicular dynamics determined by ultrasonography for 8 d in both ovaries of two C and two T60 sheep in yr 1. Each line represents only one follicle, and follicles from both ovaries are shown in the same panel. Only follicles that reached a size of 3 mm and persisted for at least 2 d are shown. Note the increase in the maximum size and duration of the largest follicles on the ovary in T60 sheep compared with C sheep. From: Fetal Programming: Prenatal Testosterone Treatment Leads to Follicular Persistence/Luteal Defects; Partial Restoration of Ovarian Function by Cyclic Progesterone Treatment Endocrinology. 2006;147(4): doi: /en Endocrinology | Copyright © 2006 by The Endocrine Society

9 Fig. 5 Ovarian follicular dynamics determined by ultrasonography for 18–21 d in both ovaries of two C, two CP, two T60, and two TP sheep in yr 2. Each line represents only one follicle, and follicles from left and right ovaries are shown in separate panels. Only follicles that reached a size of 3 mm and persisted for at least 2 d are shown. Note the increase in the maximum size and duration of the largest follicles on the ovary in T60 sheep compared with C sheep. From: Fetal Programming: Prenatal Testosterone Treatment Leads to Follicular Persistence/Luteal Defects; Partial Restoration of Ovarian Function by Cyclic Progesterone Treatment Endocrinology. 2006;147(4): doi: /en Endocrinology | Copyright © 2006 by The Endocrine Society

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