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About Buoyage System 航海英语教学团队 2013年2月.

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Presentation on theme: "About Buoyage System 航海英语教学团队 2013年2月."— Presentation transcript:

1 About Buoyage System 航海英语教学团队 2013年2月

2 At the end of the lessons, the students will be able to :
1. grasp the technical terms “lateral buoyage system", “cardinal buoyage system", “pillar-shaped", “spar", “spherical", “conical”, “can”“isolated danger marks" “topmark” etc. ; 2. grasp the basic knowledge about buoyage system; 3. Give a brief presentation of the buoyage system.

3 Presentation steps: Step 1 Pre-reading – learn technical terms(introduce background information, predict…) Step 2 Ask the sts to read through the text, and highlight the technical terms that have been introduced. Step 3 Deal with the difficult points in the text – past participle Step 4 Go over the whole text and check the sts’ understanding by asking them to complete comprehensive tasks. Step 5 Draw a semantic map of the text as a conclusion.

4 The Buoyage System Lateral system
Buoys in the lateral system are used to indicate the port- and starboard sides of the fairways.

5 Cardinal Buoyage System
Buoys in the cardinal system are used to indicate how to pass a danger (e.g. a wreck) in a certain quadrant or area. The four cardinal buoys are: North cardinal buoys South cardinal buoys West cardinal buoys East cardinal buoys

6 Isolated danger marks Isolated danger marks are pillar-shaped or spar-shaped with 2 black spherical topmarks.

7 Safe water marks Safe water marks, or landfall marks, indicate that one approaches the coast.

8 Special buoys Special buoys indicate special features in the fairway that can be looked up in the Pilot Book.

9 Shapes of buoys

10 The shape of the pillar buoy / spar buoy itself does not give the information of the fairway .
It needs topmarks, light characteristics or colours. Spar buoy Pillar buoy

11 The Spherical buoy The yellow coloured spherical buoy is used to indicate important features in the fairway. RWVS-sphericals are used to indicate safe water or that one approaches the coast.

12 Lights Buoys may be fitted with a light.
The type of the light that is used is indicated by an abbreviation. Fixed light F (a light that shines continuously ) Flashing light FL (a light with a long dark interval and short light interval) Occulting light OC (a light with a long light interval and short dark interval)

13 Isophase light ISO (light and dark intervals with equal duration)
The alternating light AL. ( a light that shows different colours alternately) Group lights ( flashing lights or occulting lights in groups that are repeated at regular intervals )

14 Topmarks

15 Lateral System Green to green, Red to red Perfect safety Go ahead.

16 In the IALA – A system : The green-coloured conical buoy indicates the starboard side. The red-coloured can buoy indicates the port side.

17 In the IALA – A system : Even numbers on lateral buoys indicate port hand. Odd numbers on lateral buoys indicate starboard hand.

18 In the IALA – A system : Counting from seaward, we find red-coloured, even-numbered can buoys, pillar buoys, or spar buoys on port side.

19 In the IALA – A system : Counting from seaward, we find green-coloured, odd-numbered conical buoys, pillar buoys or spar buoys on starboard side.

20 In the IALA – A system : A can on a pillar or spar buoy indicates port hand. A cone on a pillar or spar buoy indicates starboard hand.

21 In the IALA – A system : Lights fitted on lateral buoys may be:
FL red or green OC red or green ISO. red or green F red or green

22 In America or Japan, the IALA-B system is employed
In America or Japan, the IALA-B system is employed. This means red indicates starboard, green indicates port.

23 The cardinal system: The buoys used in the cardinal system are the spar buoy and the pillar buoy.

24 Cardinal lights On a cardinal buoy a white flashing light is fitted.
Charted abbreviations for a flashing light is Q or VQ . North cardinal light: Q or VQ (continuously flashing light) South cardinal light: Q6 + 1LFl. VQ6 + 1LFl. West cardinal light: Q9 or VQ9 East cardinal light: Q3 or VQ3

25 Cardinal topmarks North south West East The topmarks (or daymarks ) on a cardinal buoy are two black cones.

26 Cardinal colours Yellow with a black horizontal band
Black with a yellow horizontal band Black over yellow Yellow over black

27 North cardinal buoy Colour: B/Y Topmarks: two black cones points up
Lights: Q or VQ

28 South cardinal buoy Colour: Y/B Topmarks: 2 black cones points down
Light: Q6 +1LFL or VQ6 + 1 LFL

29 West cardinal buoy Colour: yellow with a black band
Topmark: 2 black cones point to point Light: Q9 or VQ9

30 East cardinal buoy Colour: black with yellow band
Topmarks: two black cones, base to base Lights: Q3 or VQ3

31 Isolated danger buoys Isolated danger buoys are pillar-shaped or spar-shaped buoys with two black spherical topmarks. Lights: white Fl,Oc. Or Iso.

32 Safe water buoys Safe water buoys are red-and-white pillar-shaped, spar-shaped or spherical-shaped buoys with a single red spherical topmark. Light: white Fl. Oc. Iso)

33 Special buoys Special buoys are yellow cans, cones, pillars, spars or spheres. Topmark: yellow cross Light : yellow Fl. Oc. Iso.

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