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APES review 3.

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1 APES review 3

2 Forms of nitrogen to know
NO : nitric oxide, released to atmosphere by combustion NO2 : nitrogen dioxide, secondary pollutant from oxidation of NO, makes nitric acid NO2- : nitrite NO3- : nitrate, preferred plant nutrient, easily leached N2O : nitrous oxide from denitrification, persistent in atmosphere, GHG N2 : dinitrogen, nitrogen gas, 78% of atmosphere NH3 : ammonia, usually a gas or liquid NH4+ : ammonium, water soluble but usually binds to clay or organics in soil HNO3 NOX : usually considered as a combination of NO and NO2 it makes acid rain


4 People / events in History
John Muir – founder of Sierra Club Rachel Carson – wrote Silent Spring about DDT and its effects Malthus – Yellowstone – first national park

5 ENSO – El Nino Southern Oscillation in the south Pacific Ocean


7 Significant Events Deepwater Horizon Kyoto Protocol
Montreal Protocol – 1989 Exxon Valdez – 1989 Chernobyl Bhopal disaster – 1984 Love Canal – 1978 Endangered Species Act – 1973 Earth Day – 1970

8 BOD Biochemical oxygen demand – the amount of oxygen required to decompose the oxygen demanding wastes


10 1 hectare = m2 100 hect (10000m2/hect) = m2 Increase 1cm or .01 m /day m2 (.01 m / day) = m3

11 Endangered Species Protection


13 Describe the Relationship



16 Definitions –with water
Watershed - Clean water Act - Clean Drinking Water Act -

17 Definitions with Air Clean Air Act – regulates 6 criteria air pollutants Baghouse filter – Air pollution control device that removes particulates – collection efficiency of 99% (more reliable than EP even with small particles) Electrostatic Precipitator – filter that removes particulates from smoke using an electric charge Scrubber – removes SOx and NOx from smoke Dioxin – POPs, byproducts of industrial processes and intentionally in PCBs, highly toxic, carcinogenic, biomagnified

18 Methane sources Natural Human Causes wetlands Rice paddies Landfills
Agriculture - cows

19 Rainshadow effects



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