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Guess the Covered Word Soils.

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Presentation on theme: "Guess the Covered Word Soils."— Presentation transcript:

1 Guess the Covered Word Soils

2 Say It! Soil Particle Size Attribute Organic Matter Texture Loam
Heat energy

3 Say It! Sand Clay Top Soil Erosion Weathering Heat energy

4 Made from bits of rock mixed with plant and decayed animal matter.
. Soil

5 The way to describe soils.

6 The size of the tiny pieces that make up soil types.
Particle Size

7 The attribute used to describe how soil feels.

8 Anything that is living or was once living.
Organic Matter

9 Parts of soil formed from decaying plants and animals.
Organic Matter

10 A type of soil that is a mixture of sand, humus, and clay that is good for plant growth

11 A type of soil that does not hold water very well.

12 A type of soil made from certain types of rock dust.

13 The uppermost layer of soil .
Top Soil

14 The movement of weathered materials by water, wind, or ice
. Erosion

15 The breaking down of rock.

16 Let’s review our words. Watch carefully because they will flash on the screen for just a moment.

17 Soil

18 Particle Size

19 Attributes

20 Texture

21 Organic Matter

22 Loam

23 Sand

24 Clay

25 Top Soil

26 Erosion

27 Weathering


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