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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 10 CORRELATION."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 10 CORRELATION

2 Correlation Coefficient
Type of Data Required

3 Correlation Coefficient
Pearson’s r Strength of relationship Direction of relationship

4 Correlation Coefficient
Assumptions Sample must be representative of the population Variables being correlated must each have a normal distribution Homoscedasticity Linear relationship

5 CORRELATION Power Analysis .10 = small effect .30 = moderate effect
.50 = large effect

6 Correlation Power Analysis Two-tailed test Alpha = .05
Moderate effect = .30 Power = .80 Sample size = 84

7 Correlation Power Analysis One-tailed Alpha = .05
Moderate effect = .30 Power = .80 Sample size = 68 subjects

8 CORRELATION Power Analysis Small sample = 20 subjects Alpha = .05
Moderate effect = .30 Power = .25

9 Correlation Coefficient
Values of to -1.00

10 Values of r .00 - .25 Very Low .26 - .49 Low .50 - .69 Moderate
High Very High

Meaningfulness r squared shared variance

12 Computer Example What are the correlations between the following variables? Confidence Life Satisfaction Total IPPA Score

13 SPSS - Correlation ANALYZE Correlate Bivariate GRAPHS Scatter

14 Confidence Intervals 1. Transform r to Zr, using Appendix D
2. Calculate standard error 3. Decide on level of confidence 4. Transform intervals back to zrs, using Appendix D

15 Shortcut Versions of r 1. Phi 2. Point-Biserial 3. Spearman Rho

16 Phi Both variables are dichotomous Generally used with chi-square

17 Point-Biserial One dichotomous variable One continuous variable

18 Spearman Rho Two ranked variables

19 Nonparametric Measures of Relationship
Kendall’s Tau Contingency Coefficient

20 Kendall’s Tau Two ordinal variables

21 Contingency Coefficient
Two nominal level variables Associated with chi-square

22 Estimates of r Biserial Tetrachoric

23 Biserial One dichotomized variable One continuous variable

24 Tetrachoric Two dichotomized variables

25 “Universal” Measure of Relationship
Eta or Correlation ratio Used to measure nonlinear, as well as linear relationship Values go from 0 to 1

26 Partial Correlation Method of control
Measures the correlation between two variables after removing the effect of another variable on both of the variables being correlated r12.3

27 Semi-Partial Correlation
Measure of control Measures the correlation between two variables after the effect of another variable has been removed from one of the variables being correlated r1(2.3)

28 Multiple Correlation The correlation of a group of independent variables with one dependent variable Measures the correlation between the dependent variable and a weighted composite of the independent variables R is the symbol R squared is used to define the variance accounted for in the dependent variable

29 Example from the Literature

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