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Reading Essentials.

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Presentation on theme: "Reading Essentials."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reading Essentials

2 Activity: Turn and Talk Discuss the following:
Reading is… The five essential components of reading are… Why is there so much emphasis on reading?

3 Reading is… Skill and knowledge of phonemes
According to Title VIII, section 2252 of the Reading Excellence Act, reading is defined as a complex system of deriving meaning from print that requires: Skill and knowledge of phonemes Ability to decode unfamiliar words The ability to read fluently Sufficient background information and vocabulary to aid reading comprehension Active strategies to construct meaning Motivation to read

4 The Five Essential Components of Reading are… Phonemic Awareness Phonics Fluency Vocabulary Comprehension National Reading Panel 2000

5 Individual Activity: Start with the End in Mind
Select a book and strategy card from the middle of the table. Peruse the book. Create an activity from the story using the selected strategy. Be prepared to share with the group. Comprehension is the goal of reading. My analogy for reading comprehension is that comprehension is the tabletop and the other components of reading ( phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency and vocabulary) are the support. Therefore we’ll begin our session looking at the most common comprehension strategies.

6 Essential Component of Reading Phonemic Awareness What is It?
Segmenting Sounds Blending Sounds Manipulating Sounds

7 Phonics Helps children learn the relationship between letters and sounds of spoken words. Helps children decode and encode words. Assists students with word recognition, spelling and reading comprehension. Decode-take words apart Encode-put them together

8 Fluency Consists of three critical components-accuracy, rate and expression. Fluency is the bridge between decoding and comprehension. Assists students with oral and silent reading.

9 Vocabulary Assists students in becoming aware of words that they encountered at school and at home. Builds repetition and multiple exposure to new words Learning in rich contexts Formal study of specific words

10 Comprehension Helps students monitoring comprehension
Use of graphic organizers Questioning Text structures Summarizing

11 Additional Comprehension Strategies
Create mental images Use background knowledge Make inferences Determine the most important ideas or themes Synthesize information Use ‘Fix-up’ strategies I have descriptions of all the strategies. I will bring them to the meeting

12 Activity: Jigsaw After Third Grade

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