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Renal abscess.

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Presentation on theme: "Renal abscess."— Presentation transcript:

1 Renal abscess

2 Introduction Abscess in the renal parenchyma
Also known as the carbuncle of the kidney Etiology: Staphylococcus aureus: released from distance sources Injury to the kidney E. coli

3 Clinical features Symptoms: fever, chills, loin pain Signs:
extreme tenderness over the affected kidney

4 Investigations Blood: elevated WBC Urine:
usually negative in the early stages Pus cells & bacteria if the abscess ruptures into the renal pelvis Straight X- ray: enlarged kidney IVU: space occupying lesion obliterating or compressing a group of calyces &/ or a part of the pelvis of the ureter

5 36-year-old man with left renal abscess
36-year-old man with left renal abscess. Longitudinal gray-scale sonogram of left kidney shows well-defined hypoechoic mass (arrow) near mid region of kidney.

6 Nonenhanced CT scan through the mid pole of the right kidney demonstrates right renal enlargement and an area of decreased attenuation

7 A, Enhanced CT scan shows an irregular septated low-density mass (M) extensively involving the left kidney. Note thickening of perinephric fascia) and extensive compression of the renal collecting system. Findings are typical of renal abscess. B, Ultrasound longitudinal scan demonstrates a septated hypoechoic mass (M) occupying much of the renal parenchymal volume


9 Treatment Antibiotics Surgical drainage Nephrectomy

10 Perinephric abscess

11 Introduction Abscess between the renal capsule & the perirenal fascia of Gerota

12 Etiology Primary: hematogenous Secondary:
Infection travels from neighboring organs Usually follows renal abscess Infection of a perirenal hematoma


14 Clinical features Symptoms: typical history of prolonged urinary infection, fever, pain in the flank Signs: fever, marked tenderness over the kidney, scoliosis of the spine

15 Investigations Blood: leukocytosis, anemia Urine: Straight X- ray:
Pyuria & bacteriuria Straight X- ray: Obliteration of the renal & psoas shadow Scoliosis of the spine IVU: Mathe’s sign Isotope scanning

16 Treatment Antibiotics Surgical drainage

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