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Short Wave Infrared Curing Systems

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1 Short Wave Infrared Curing Systems
Reduces curing times of all 2 pack/ Urethane paints systems dramatically Curing times reduced to as little as 5 minutes Fully temperature controlled from start to finish Dramatically less expensive to operate with better results Saves energy as only the repaired area is being heated

2 ….Turn Up the heat on quality, productivity and profits The Spectratek curing system’s heating units consist of tungsten filament high-temperature, halogen-filled quartz lamp that is encased in an aluminium cassette head with a high precision thermal reflector The unique reflectors that envelop the lamps are specifically designed to direct all the energy from the lamps towards the vehicle Efficient Lamp Units Lamp array are all positioned for absolutely uniform heat distribution over the largest curing area. 1m (39”)

3 Short Wave IR – Technology of the Future, Today
Short Wave IR is different from other curing methods in many way. It dries and cures by heating both the coating and the substrate. A 2 way cure is superior to the top-down process associated with other curing methods in that it produces a more thorough cure and more heat can be applied without fear of skinning and solvent popping. Shot Wave IR’s higher heating temperatures reduces cures times and improves quality. SHORT WAVE IR HEAT SOURCE (2 Way Cure) TOP COAT BASE COAT PRIMER METAL MEDIUM WAVE IR HEAT SOURCE (Primarily Top-Down Cure) TOP COAT BASE COAT PRIMER METAL CONVECTION HEAT SOURCE (Top-Down Cure) TOP COAT BASE COAT PRIMER METAL

4 Thermal Integrated Sensor System
Spectratek’s unique and state-of-the-art Thermal Integrated Sensor System (TISS) is available on the “S” series of Spectratek systems. TISS takes the guesswork out of some of the most critical aspects of proper curing. Helps to position the curing unit for optimum heating with an ultrasonic sensor Beeps when the unit is too far or too close. Continuous tone when the unit is at the ideal distance from the vehicle Integrated timer allows you to preset ramp times Optical sensor and electronics regulate the heating temperature based on the panel temperature desired Maintains a constant temperature thereby ensuring the highest quality finish, without fear of over baking heat sensitive substrates

5 Thermal Integrated Sensor System
Unlike many units which only offer half-power and full-power options, Spectratek provides variable power settings. This flexible helps ensure optimum baking of more sensitive materials such as some plastics, composite materials, fiberglass, and treated metal. Digital Control and Display • Easy to use; • Display different cycles setup; • Display of the ramptime, curetime and temperature of each cycle; • Display of the “Distance Measuring Adjustment”; • Option selection, as language or units of measurement; • System memory.

6 The Lowest Curing Times
Get the highest quality paint job in the least amount of time and with the least cost… while conforming to environmental regulations. Short controlled curing times. Spectratek units cure a topcoat in about 7 minutes compared to minutes for a convention oven. PAINT MATERIAL TOTAL CURING TIME Top Coat minutes Non-Sanding minutes Water-Thinnable Filler minutes Primer minutes Polyester Filler / Stopper minutes

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