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House on Hackman’s hill

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1 House on Hackman’s hill

2 Chapter 1 terms

3 Chapter 1 abruptly deserted gruesome waded eager sensation fragrance
tureen tattered stammered

suddenly or unexpectedly SYNONYMS: quickly, sharply, hastily ANTONYMS: gradually, deliberately, patiently OTHER FORMS: abrupt (adj) abruptness (n) abruptly (adv)

5 Abruptly examples: The meeting was abruptly cancelled when the CEO became ill with the flu. The abruptness of the taxi driver’s stop at the red light startled the dozing passenger out of his nap.

abandoned, forsaken SYNONYMS: barren, desolate, empty ANTONYMS: inhabited, populated OTHER FORMS: deserter (noun) deserted (adj)

7 Deserted examples The plane crash survivor scanned the deserted island, desperately hoping to find some sign of civilization. Deserters from the military can be punished in a military tribunal.

8 causing great horror, grisly
DEFINITION: causing great horror, grisly SYNONYMS: appalling, frightful ANTONYMS: cheerful, comforting OTHER FORMS: gruesomeness (noun) gruesomely (adv) gruesome (adj)

9 gruesome The doctor remained calm and considerate, despite the woman’s gruesome injury.

10 to walk in water, partially immersed
DEFINITION: to walk in water, partially immersed SYNONYMS: plod ANTONYMS: NONE, skip it OTHER FORMS: waders (noun) waded (v)

11 waded I slowly waded into the icy stream until the water reached my knees. I went to the local sporting goods store to buy waders for my next fishing trip.

impatiently longing or wanting something SYNONYMS: enthusiastic, intent, earnest ANTONYMS: indifferent, uninterested OTHER FORMS: eagerly (adverb) eagerness (noun) eager (adj)

13 eager examples Marty was eager for any news on the status of his job application. Sarah’s mother was eager for the Thanksgiving holiday in which she would get to spend several days with her family. We eagerly awaited the results of our test.

14 awareness of something through the senses, a feeling
DEFINITION: awareness of something through the senses, a feeling SYNONYMS: feeling, sense ANTONYMS: NONE skip it OTHER FORMS: skip it, NONE sensation (n)

15 The patient described the uncomfortable sensation he felt in his molar every time he chewed.

16 a sweet or pleasing scent
DEFINITION: a sweet or pleasing scent SYNONYMS: aroma, perfume ANTONYMS: odor, stench OTHER FORMS: fragrant (adj) fragrance (n)

17 fragrance The customer tried out nearly every fragrance in the beauty department before settling on the perfume she intended to purchase. Though beautiful, the woman had to move the fragrant flowers away from her desk when she began to sneeze.

18 large, deep covered dish for serving soup
DEFINITION: large, deep covered dish for serving soup SYNONYMS: basin, dish, pot ANTONYMS: NONE skip OTHER FORMS: tureen (n)

19 tureen The recipe directed me to sauté the onions for 5 minutes before adding them to a tureen.

20 tattered (adj) torn, ragged battered, shredded new, whole tatter(s)
DEFINITION: torn, ragged SYNONYMS: battered, shredded ANTONYMS: new, whole OTHER FORMS: tatter(s) tattered (adj)

21 tattered examples The football player’s uniform hung from one arm, tattered after the linebacker had pulled him down by his sleeve.

22 to speak with breaks and pauses, with repetitions
DEFINITION: to speak with breaks and pauses, with repetitions SYNONYMS: sputter, wobble ANTONYMS: carry on, continue OTHER FORMS: stammering stammered (v)

23 stammered The actor was shocked to have won best actor for his film and could barely stammer through his acceptance speech.

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