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Project XYC: Project Plan

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1 Project XYC: Project Plan
Team Name Date

2 Project XYC: Project Plan Outline
Purpose of Plan Introduction Background Information Project Approach Success Criteria Goals and Objectives Scope Scope Definition Not in Scope Risk Assessment Project Budget Projected Milestones Assumptions/Constraints Project Assumptions Project Constraints Related Projects Critical Project Barriers Project Management Approach High Level Timeline Roles & Responsibilities Issue Management Communication Plan Approvals

3 Project XYC: Purpose of the Plan
The <Project Name> Project Plan will provide a definition of the project, including the project’s goals and objectives. Additionally the Plan will server as an agreement between the following parties: Project Sponsor, Steering Committee, Project Manager, Project Team and others associated with and/or affected by the project.

4 Project XYC: Introduction
Background Information <This section should describe need for the project, the work done to date, and any choices made.> Project Approach <This section should outline the roll out of the project (e.g. phase approach), including high-level milestones.> Success Criteria <This section should define what success of the project will be measure by.>

5 Project XYC: Goals and Objectives
Business Goals and Objectives (SMART) Project Goals and Objectives (SMART)

6 Scope Definition Not in Scope of Project
Project XYC: Scope Scope Definition Not in Scope of Project

7 Project XYC: Scope Risk Assessment Risk Risk Impact Level (L/M/H)
NOTE: The Risk Assessment will be continuously monitored and updated throughout the life of the project, with monthly assessments included in the status report (see Communications Plan) and open to amendment by the Project Manager. Risk Risk Impact Level (L/M/H) Probability of Event (L/M/H) Mitigation Strategy

8 Project XYC: Scope Projected Budget

9 Projected Milestone Project XYC: Scope
The following represent key project milestones, with estimated completion dates: Milestone Estimated Completion Date

10 Project XYC: Assumptions/Constraints
Project Assumptions The following assumptions were made in preparing the Project Plan: Project Constraints The following represents known project constraints:

11 Project XYC: Assumptions/Constraints
Related Projects The following are known related projects: Critical Project Barriers Critical project barriers are insurmountable issues that can be destructive to a project’s initiative, such as removal of project funding or natural disasters.    Should any of these events occur, the Project Plan would become invalid.

12 Project XYC: Project Management Approach
Project High-Level Timeline

13 Project XYC: Project Management Approach
Project Roles and Responsibilities Name Role Responsibility Phone/ Jeff Jordan Project Sponsor Ultimate decision maker and tie breaker Project Manager Manages project in accordance to Project Plan

14 Project XYC: Project Management Approach
Issue Management <The information contained in the Project plan will likely change as the project progresses. Any changes to the Project Plan will impact one of three key success factors (scope, schedule, cost). The decision by which to make modifications to the Project plan should follow a specific process. That process is outlined in this section.>

15 Project XYC: Project Management Approach
Communication Plan <List the communication events that will be established for the project such as status reports, project team status meetings, attendance at steering committees, and posting information to website for project team member use. Be sure to identify timing, which means are these daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly communication events.>

16 Project XYC: Approvals
Sign-Off Sheet I have read the Project Plan and will abide by its teams and conditions and pledge my full commitment and support for the Project Plan. ________________ _________ Project Sponsor Date Project Manager Date TBD Date

17 Project XYC: References

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