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Janet Ferguson Treasurer, The Municipality of Lambton Shores

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1 Lambton Shores’ Asset Management Plan: From Development to Implementation
Janet Ferguson Treasurer, The Municipality of Lambton Shores Julie Wiseman Financial Assistant, The Municipality of Lambton Shores CNAM 2014 Conference Toronto, Ontario May 20-23, 2014

2 Lambton Shores, Ontario
Pop. 10,656 Area 331 sq. km Formed in 2001 with amalgamation

3 Community Context Lakeside and rural communities
Economy: Agriculture, tourism & recreation Steady residential assessment growth Photo phrawr

4 Municipal Challenges Downloaded provincial infrastructure
Reduction in Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF) Increasing cost of policing and insurance Future transfer of assessed property to exempt

5 AMP Planning & Development
Ontario’s Municipal Infrastructure Investment Initiative (MIII) – Announced in 2012 Eligible for capacity funds AMP deadline – Dec 31st, 2013 Finance takes the lead – with Treasurer as Acting CAO

6 State of the Data Post PSAB 3150: Detailed and segmented
Tracked in Excel Replacement costs Condition for roads and bridges

7 State of the Data Filling in the gaps:
Consultant did PSAB reporting for first 3 years 2012 procured CityWide Works and Tangible Assets 2013 procured CityWide Capital Planning & Analysis

8 The AMP Public Sector Digest completed analysis
Started with 5 mandated asset classes Expanded to all assets

9 The AMP Total replacement value for assets: $634.7 million
Value of assets per household: $100,824 Total annual deficit: $9.5 million Recommendations Increase tax revenues by 4.4% each year for the next 15 years Increase revenues by 4.4% for water and 6.1% for sanitary each year for next 10 years


11 Infrastructure Replacement Cost Per Household
The AMP Storm Sewer Network Total Replacement Cost: $24,159,688 Cost Per Household: $3,266 Road Network (excludes gravel) Total Replacement Cost: $170,638,509 Cost Per Household: $23,065 Infrastructure Replacement Cost Per Household Total: $100,824 per household Sanitary Sewer Infrastructure Total Replacement Cost: $56,770,801 Cost Per Household: $20,592 Water Network Total Replacement Cost: $284,756,930 Cost Per Household: $43,184 Bridges & Culverts Total Replacement Cost: $14,976,934 Cost Per Household: $2,024 Facilities Total Replacement Cost: $33,548,662 Cost Per Household: $4,535 Land Improvements Total Replacement Cost: $19,877,361 Cost Per Household: $2,687 Rolling Stock Total Replacement Cost: $8,082,466 Cost Per Household: $1,093 Equipment Total Replacement Cost: $2,801,513 Cost Per Household: $379

12 The AMP

13 The AMP

14 Challenges Staff time/capacity Staff change over
Cross-departmental buy-in Assumptions in AMP Not approved for MIII capital funds Election – change in Council amidst a large Sewer Treatment Plant project

15 Successes Inclusion of all assets Well received by council
Supports reserve fund contributions Platform for further analysis

16 Moving Forward Develop project plan for AMP update
Drill down into each asset class Expand on condition and risk ratings Incorporate preventative maintenance/repairs

17 Moving Forward Support tools Determine levels of service
Use CityWide CPA to inform capital budgets Expand use of Works application Determine levels of service Link with strategic plan Photo Doc Searls

18 Questions? Contact Me: Janet Ferguson
Treasurer, The Municipality of Lambton Shores Julie Wiseman Financial Assistant, The Municipality of Lambton Shores

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