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The Ohio Clean Marinas Program Expansion

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1 The Ohio Clean Marinas Program Expansion
Science Writers Workshop August 18-19, 2014

2 Ohio Clean Marinas Program
A voluntary, incentive-based program for Lake Erie marinas. Offers guidance and technical assistance on Best Management Practices (BMPs) to prevent or reduce pollution. Participants in the program are recognized for their environmental stewardship. background

3 Proactive Partnership
Administered by Ohio Sea Grant Ohio Dept. of Natural Resources (ODNR) ODNR - Office of Coastal Management ODNR - Division of Watercraft ODNR – Division of Soil & Water Conservation Ohio Environmental Protection Agency Ohio Dept. of Health Ohio Dept. of Commerce US Coast Guard US Army Corps of Engineers Lake Erie Marine Trade Association Greater Cleveland Boating Association Private Sector Marinas National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (through ODNR) OSU Extension Ohio Lake Erie Commission Funding: Partnership of academia, agencies, and industry – representing multiple stakeholder groups

4 Steps to Certification
1. Attend workshop & receive guidebook 2. Take the Clean Marina Pledge 3. Site visit & evaluation 4. Incorporate recommendations 5. Final site visit and certification

5 Why should we care? Marinas act as a final defense before water enters our waterways – our sources of drinking water and recreational activities Opportunity to engage marinas in the protection of the very resource they need to thrive as a business Balance of economy and environment encourages a sustainable, long-term marina industry Significance of program

6 Examples of Best Management Practices
Reducing nutrient runoff by having grass/gravel buffers near the water’s edge, and using non-toxic chemicals near the water Having oil spill response equipment and making available oil absorbent materials Examples of ways marinas are reducing their environmental impact

7 Examples of Best Management Practices
Recycling (including shrink wrap recycling) Posting educational signage for patrons on fueling, aquatic invasive species prevention, and other environmental best practices Examples of ways marinas are reducing their environmental impact

8 Where We’ve Been: Who Promotes the Program?
NOAA Sea Grant Coastal Management Programs Division of Natural Resources EPA Other agencies Who do they promote to: Marina Operators Local Governments Recreational Boaters

9 Where We’ve Been: Program Impact
44 Certified Clean Marinas along Lake Erie Over 26% of the wet slips on Lake Erie covered Implementing an average of 71 environmental and safety Best Management Practices per marina 33 Pledged Clean Marinas Have attended training, 1st step toward becoming a certified marina Have signed a pledge indicating their interest and commitment

10 Where We’ve Been: Program Impact
Ohio Clean Boater Program Over 1,500 boaters have individually pledged to follow Best Boater Practices (BBPs) to keep oil, sewage, toxic boat cleaning and maintenance products, plastics, cigarette butts and other trash, fishing gear and invasive species out of the water. Example of “trickle-down effect” of program; Ohio Clean Boater Pledge allows boaters to individually take part in protecting Lake Erie.

11 Where We’ve Been: Great Lakes Clean Marina Programs
New York Pennsylvania Ohio Michigan Indiana- Illinois Wisconsin Minnesota Superior Huron Erie Ontario Michigan Partnered with other states to promote clean marinas programs throughout the Great Lakes and encourage boaters to support their local clean marina Overall: 117 Certified and 95 Pledged Marinas

12 Where We’re Going: Statewide Expansion
Currently only certifying marinas in Lake Erie region Have had requests from marinas outside of the LE watershed for certification Opportunity to impact both Lake Erie Watershed and Ohio River Watershed Expanding Partnership to include ODNR Division of Watercraft

13 Where We’re Going: Statewide Expansion - Goals
Increase education, outreach, and adoption of clean and safe boating best practices by boaters and marinas throughout Ohio Help recognize and promote marina businesses that are going above and beyond to protect our waters

14 Ohio Clean Marinas & Clean Boaters Programs
For more information Contact Sarah Orlando Ohio Clean Marinas Program Coordinator Follow us on Facebook! Ohio Clean Marinas & Clean Boaters Programs

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