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My Brother Sam is Dead: Chapter 1 Vocabulary

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Presentation on theme: "My Brother Sam is Dead: Chapter 1 Vocabulary"— Presentation transcript:

1 My Brother Sam is Dead: Chapter 1 Vocabulary
Muffled- Patriots- Minutemen- Lobsterbacks- Ammunitions- Prevail-

2 My Brother Sam is Dead: Chapter 1 Vocabulary
Treason- Tories/Loyalists- Parliament- Sloth- Subversion- Vile-

3 Create a Puzzle Go to Create a crossword puzzle, a word search, or double puzzle using the Chapter 1 vocabulary from the novel My Brother Sam is Dead. Trade puzzles with a classmate and solve.

4 Chapter 1: Discussion Questions
1. Give the Setting. 2. Describe Sam. 3. Discuss Father’s beliefs.

5 Chapter 1: Discussion Questions
4. Describe the home the Meeker’s live in. 5. Explain why Sam came home. 6. How does Father react to what Sam wants?

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