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1st Marking Period WoW Review

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1 1st Marking Period WoW Review 2013-2014

2 aggrandize: verb definition: enlarge or extend something
improve status of something exaggerate the greatness of someone or something

3 ambivalence: noun definition:
mixed, uncertain, or conflicting feelings about something

4 eschew: verb definition: to abstain or keep away from shun avoid

5 fortuitous: adjective
definition: happening or produced by chance; accidental lucky; fortunate

6 insouciant: adjective
definition: free from worry, concern, or anxiety carefree; nonchalant

7 parsimonious: adjective
definition: characterized by or showing extreme economy frugal or stingy

8 persnickety: adjective
definition: overly particular; fussy snobbish or having the aloof attitude of a snob requiring painstaking care

9 recalcitrant: adjective
definition: resisting authority or control not obedient or compliant hard to deal with, manage, or operate

10 Word of the Week Review 2nd marking period

11 ardent: adjective definition: having, expressive of, or characterized
by intense feeling intensely devoted, eager, or enthusiastic vehement; fierce burning, fiery, or hot

12 decadence: noun definition: the act or process of falling into an
inferior condition or state moral degeneration or decay; turpitude unrestrained or excessive self-indulgence

13 garrulous: adjective definition:
excessively talkative in a rambling, roundabout manner, especially about trivial matters wordy or diffuse

14 quintessential: adj definition:
the pure and essential essence of something the most perfect embodiment of something

15 resplendent: adjective
definition: having a dazzlingly impressive appearance shining brilliantly or gleaming

16 succinct: adjective expressed in few words; concise; terse
definition expressed in few words; concise; terse conciseness or verbal brevity

17 3rd Marking Period WoW Review

18 aspersion: noun definition:
a damaging or derogatory remark or criticism the act of slandering; vilification; defamation

19 assiduous: adjective definition: Constant in application or effort
working diligently at a task persevering; industrious; attentive

20 blithe: adjective definition: joyous, merry, or gay in disposition
without thought or regard; carefree; heedless glad; cheerful 

21 callow: adjective definition: immature or inexperienced
lacking the experience of life that comes with adulthood  


23 lugubrious: adjective
definition: mournful, dismal, or gloomy, especially in an affected, exaggerated, or unrelieved manner

24 quiescent: adjective definition: being at rest inactive or motionless

25 sardonic: adjective definition:  characterized by bitter ridicule
 skeptically humorous  mocking, cynical, or sneering

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