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Prof. of Medical Physics Shiraz University of Medical Sciences

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1 Prof. of Medical Physics Shiraz University of Medical Sciences
Ionizing and Non-Ionizing Radiation-Induced Adaptive Response: Findings From Earth to Space SMJ Mortazavi Prof. of Medical Physics Shiraz University of Medical Sciences

2 Implications of RF-Induced Adaptive Response in Space Research
Mortazavi SMJ, Ph.D Implications of RF-Induced Adaptive Response in Space Research

3 Adaptive Response in Space Research
Mortazavi SMJ, Ph.D Adaptive Response in Space Research In a report entitled “Adaptive response studies may help choose astronauts for long-term space travel”, which published in "Advances in Space Research" (Mortazavi et al. , 2003), it was previously hypothesized that screening of the candidates of deep space missions by Ground-based in vitro adaptive response tests before any mission can be used to identify the individuals who respond well to low levels of ionizing radiation and reveal high magnitudes of radioadaptive response (Mortazavi et al. , 2005).

4 Mortazavi SMJ, Ph.D 2003 25 citations according to Scopus

5 Mortazavi SMJ, Ph.D 2003

6 Two years after Mortazavi et al 2003 report, NASA agrees that adaptive response is a puzzling issue in space radiobiology Mortazavi SMJ, Ph.D 2005-Cancer specialist Dr. John Dicello “Cells often react in unexpected ways to radiation, notes Dicello. For example, there's a puzzling phenomenon known as adaptive response. Sometimes, when tissue is exposed to damaging radiation, it not only repairs itself, but also learns to repair itself better next time. How that works is still being investigated” “The damage could be less than the two kinds added together -- or it could be more! There could, perhaps, be an adaptive response in which lightweight solar protons stimulate repair processes to help reduce the effects of the heavy cosmic ray ions. Or something totally unexpected could happen”. Mysterious Cancer

7 Four years after Mortazavi et al 2003 report, in 2007:
Mortazavi SMJ, Ph.D Four years after Mortazavi et al 2003 report, in 2007: George et al. 2007: “This study of adaptive response is very interesting and it is important that the phenomenon be investigated further.

8 Mortazavi SMJ, Ph.D Durante and Manti 2008: “Another possibility is that an adaptive response to the space environment takes place after the first exposure, which may confer the exposed individual an increased radioresistance. Such a response would be similar to that hypothesized to explain the apparent lack of adverse health effects in VHBRA and HBRA residents. As pointed out by Mortazavi et al. (2003), radiobiological studies on these areas may lead to the identification of the cellular and molecular mechanisms by which susceptibility to genetic damage and cancer is decreased by chronic radiation exposure, hence helping the astronaut selection process.”

9 Mortazavi SMJ, Ph.D

10 Mortazavi SMJ, Ph.D Mortazavi et al., Advances in Space Research, Vol 31, No. 6, , 2003

11 RF-Induced Adaptive Response in Space Research
Mortazavi SMJ, Ph.D RF-Induced Adaptive Response in Space Research Different methods that can be used for reducing the risk of radiation during deep space missions

12 Mortazavi SMJ, Ph.D

13 Mortazavi SMJ, Ph.D

14 Mortazavi SMJ, Ph.D

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18 Mortazavi SMJ, Ph.D Mortazavi, S.M.J., Motamedifar, M., Namdari, G., Taheri, M. Pre-exposure to Radiofrequency Radiations Emitted from a GSM Mobile Phone Increases Resistance to a Bacterial Infection in BALB/c Mice. Journal of Biomedical Physics and Engineering in press, 2012b. Mortazavi, S.M.J., Motamedifar, M., Namdari, G., Taheri, M., Mortazavi, A.R. Counterbalancing immunosuppression-induced infections during long-term stay of humans in space. Journal of Medical Hypotheses and Ideas 7, 8–10, 2013. Mortazavi SMJ. Space radiobiology and the new era of induced radioresistance: Should traditional concepts be moved to science history museums? Technology and Health Care in press. Murray, D., Allalunis-Turner, M., Weinfeld, M. VIIIth International Workshop on Radiation Damage to DNA. Int J Radiat Biol 81, , 2005. Olivieri, G., Bodycote, J., Wolff, S. Adaptive response of human lymphocytes to low concentrations of radioactive thymidine. Science 223, 594-7, 1984. Ozgur, E., Guler, G., Seyhan, N. Mobile phone radiation-induced free radical damage in the liver is inhibited by the antioxidants N-acetyl cysteine and epigallocatechin-gallate. Int J Radiat Biol 86, , 2010. Plews, M., Simon, S.L., Boreham, D.R., et al. A radiation-induced adaptive response prolongs the survival of prion-infected mice. Free Radic Biol Med 49, , 2010. Samson, L., Cairns, J. A new pathway for DNA repair in Escherichia coli Sannino, A., Sarti, M., Reddy, S.B., Prihoda, T.J., Scarfì, M.R. Induction of adaptive response in human blood lymphocytes exposed to radiofrequency radiation. Radiation research 171, , 2009a. Sannino, A., Sarti, M., Reddy, S.B., Prihoda, T.J., Vijayalaxmi, Scarfi, M.R. Induction of adaptive response in human blood lymphocytes exposed to radiofrequency radiation. Radiat Res 171, , 2009b.

19 Mortazavi SMJ, Ph.D Sannino, A., Zeni, O., Sarti, M., et al. Induction of adaptive response in human blood lymphocytes exposed to 900 MHz radiofrequency fields: Influence of cell cycle. Int J Radiat Biol, 2011. Scott, B.R., Walker, D.M., Tesfaigzi, Y., Schollnberger, H., Walker, V. Mechanistic basis for nonlinear dose-response relationships for low-dose radiation-induced stochastic effects. Nonlinearity Biol Toxicol Med 1, , 2003. Stowe, R.P., Sams, C.F., Pierson, D.L. Adrenocortical and immune responses following short- and long-duration spaceflight. Aviat Space Environ Med 82, , 2011. Tapio, S., Jacob, V. Radioadaptive response revisited. Radiat Environ Biophys 46, 1-12, UNSCEAR. SOURCES AND EFFECTS OF IONIZING RADIATION, UNSCEAR Report to the General Assembly, with Scientific Annexes. United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation, 1994 Yan, G., Hua, Z., Du, G., Chen, J. Adaptive response of Bacillus sp. F26 to hydrogen peroxide and menadione. Curr Microbiol 52, , 2006. Zdrojewicz, Z., Strzelczyk, J.J. Radon treatment controversy. Dose Response 4, , Zeni, O., Sannino, A., Romeo, S., et al. Induction of an adaptive response in human blood lymphocytes exposed to radiofrequency fields: Influence of the universal mobile telecommunication system (UMTS) signal and the specific absorption rate. Mutat Res, Zhou, Y., Ni, H., Li, M., et al. Effect of solar particle event radiation and hindlimb suspension on gastrointestinal tract bacterial translocation and immune activation. PLoS One 7, e44329, 2012.

20 Thank you Mortazavi SMJ, Ph.D

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