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The Executive Branch Bureaucracy.

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1 The Executive Branch Bureaucracy

2 Federal Bureaucracy A Bureaucracy is a way of administratively organizing large numbers of people to accomplish a task Roughly 2.6 million employees Bureaucratic Functions Promote Public Good Protect the Nation Sustain a Strong Economy Features of the Bureaucracy Hierarchy Specialization Division of Labor Standard Operating Procedure Benefits of the Bureaucracy It is effective Speeds up decision making People can focus on their job

3 Political Cartoon Analysis

4 Executive Office of the President
The E.O.C was established in and is made of the President’s closest advisors White House Office Nerve center West Wing, Oval Office and Cabinet Room Chief of Staff Assistant Deputies on Foreign Policy, Economy, Congress, Defense, Political Affairs and Press Secretary National Security Council President, V.P., National Security Advisor, Sec. of State, Director of CIA, Chairman of Joint Chief of Staff and other military advisors Office of Homeland Security Advises on threats of terror and works closely with Department of Homeland Security Office of Management and Budget Prepares the Federal Budget which is then sent to Congress Office of Faith Based and Community Initiatives Combat drug abuse, homelessness and poverty Office of National Drug Control Policy Drug “Czar” plans the attack against America’s drug problem Office of Policy Development Domestic policy issues

5 Agencies, Corporations and Commissions
Independent Agencies Line organizations that do not fall under the control of any one department The President has some direct control of these agencies Independent Regulatory Agency An agency outside of the cabinet departments that makes and enforces rules and regulations President nominates people and they are confirmed, but these agencies usually function independently from the elected parts of government which allows them to function without political interference Government Corporations Function in a business like manner They do not have stockholders and do not pay dividends on profits, instead they keep the profits Presidential Commissions Organized by Presidents to investigate problems and make recommendations Most are temporary, the commission on Civil Rights is permanent President’s are not bound to follow recommendations made, but usually do

6 Reforming the Bureaucracy
Sunshine Laws Require agencies to hold public meetings on a regular basis Sunset Provisions Most laws have timetables, in order for programs to get renewed they must be efficient Privatization The transfer of services to private organizations Increase Incentives for Efficiency Reward programs that accomplish goals Protecting Whistleblowers Whistleblowers expose corruption and inefficiency Congress has sought to protect them because it increases accountability

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