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Published byAubrey Holmes Modified over 6 years ago
Towing Vessel Examination Program Rollout (Coastal)
LCDR Robert Keister LCDR Craig Toomey Mr. Michael White ENS David McShane August 11, 2009 MSU Galveston, Texas
Housekeeping Welcome Aboard Emergency Exits Bathrooms Coffee Mess
Why are we here? To get you up to speed on the progress of the towing vessel examination program (a.k.a. the big picture) To set you up for success by providing you with the materials and tools you need to do your jobs To meet face to face before we work together to establish a towing vessel inspection regime To hear your feedback, ideas, and concerns regarding the program To align expectations on how we can run a successful program
Who's who? Headquarters LANTAREA (OPCOM) District Eight
CAPT Eric Christensen Chief, Vessel Activities (CG-543) CAPT Richard Kaser Chief of Staff CAPT Verne Gifford Chief, Prevention Division CAPT Christopher Roberge Prevention CDR Jeff Johnson Chief, Inspections and Investigations CDR Lee Boone Chief, Domestic Vessel Activities (CG-5431) Dr. Lewis Fisher Prevention, Inspections LCDR Rob Keister (Dpi-1) Chief, Vessel and Facility Compliance Mr. Scott Kuhaneck Towing Vessel, National Program Manager Mr. Peter Squicciarini Towing Vessel Program Towing Vessel Program LCDR Craig Toomey Mr. Mike White LTjg Christine Dimitroff ENS Dave McShane Mr. Patrick Lee Towing Vessel, National Program Coordinator CDR Greg Case Supervisor, National Center of Expertise (Towing Vessels), Paducah, KY
Summary of Operation Big Tow
Surge op conducted from Nov 2008 until January 2009 D8 completed 78% of the workload Checked 4,290 mariner licenses with a 99% compliance rate Identified 39 licensing deficiencies: 16 with licensing issues (not onboard, expired, or no license) 21 with endorsement issues (expired or not onboard for current route) 2 special (S&R and wanted list) Industry notified ahead of time, so the number could of been a lot higher in cooperation with AWO
Summary of Operation Big Tow
214 safety deficiencies identified on 73 UTVs: 87 firefighting 32 navigation 27 documentation 19 lifesaving 15 operations management 14 communications 12 engineering 4 electrical 4 construction/load line Most common were missing portable and fixed fire systems. Double digit defs in fire detection (17), charts and pubs (15), CODs (14), fuel shut offs (13), and navigation lights (12) Over UTVs in D8 - Do the math
What are we trying to Prevent?
UTV Casualties where Licensing was an issue (CY 2007): CG Wide: 7; D8: 3 In CY 2006 alone, MSU Morgan City referred 7 individuals for criminal prosecution for using altered/fraudulent/revoked UTV licenses.
What are we trying to Prevent?
Serious Marine Incidents involving UTVs (CY 2007) Sector New Orleans: 44 Sector Ohio Valley: 28 Sector Mobile: 20 Sector Houston: 18 Sector Lower Mississippi: 15 Sector Upper Mississippi: 11 Sector Corpus Christi: 4 Total for District 8: 140 out of 220 CG wide. 63% of all UTV Serious Marine Incidents in occured in D8 AOR.
FY 10 Funding Indoctrination program Offsite Training
Travel costs associated with conducting UTV exams
Agenda The Bridging Strategy (Phase I, II, and III) - Mr. White
Towing Vessel Orientation and Indoctrination - ENS McShane PQS - LCDR Toomey UTV Exam Guide and Exam Form - Mr. White Lunch MISLE - Guidebook and FAQs - Mr. White Fleets of Responsibility (FOFRs) - Mr. White 4100 boardings and how they tie into compliance (enforcement + compliance = safe and secure towing vessels) - Mr. White Respect the Mariner - Mr. Dick Frenzel Subchapter M overview (what you can and can't say about it) - Mr. Pat Lee National Center of Expertise - CDR Greg Case Top Ten Things You Should Take Away
Where can I find all this stuff?
All info posted on Homeport - you do not need to login to obtain info - (or google "homeport") Transparency is a key compenent of the program. TVBP Indoc, Orientation, and Outreach Workbook TVBP message, policy memo, powerpoint, training message UTV Exam Form, Instructions, PQS, and MISLE guidebook
Towing Vessel Bridging Program
Towing Vessel Bridging Program
Towing Vessel Bridging Program
Towing Vessel Bridging Program August 11, 2009 MSU Galveston, Texas
Mr. Michael White August 11, 2009 MSU Galveston, Texas
A Bridge to Inspection Commander Lee Boone
Office of Vessel Activities (CG-543) Domestic Vessel Compliance 17 17
TVBP CG-543 in consultation 1. LANT and PAC Area
2. Towing Vessel Industry Representatives (AWO Members) Developed the TVBP (old Strategy)
Four Working Groups WG1 – Industry Indoctrination Workbook
WG2 – Developed PQS WG3 – MISLE Guidebook and Exam Worksheet WG4 – Measures of Success
TVBP MSG – COMDT 121639Z JUNE 09 MEMO Attached
Both Located on Homeport/Domestic Vessels/Towing Vessels
TVBP Comprised of three Phases Five Key Elements
Phase I Commenced June 2009 18 – 24 Months (Approximately) NPRM
Publish Fall?? 2009 Presently Under Review
Notice of Public Rule Making
Sub Chapter M Communicate with Industry about the NPRM and Encourage them to Comment during the Comment Period (180 days) Public Meetings – Workboat Show in New Orleans Any other Towing Vessel Meetings
Outreach (Key Element 1)
All levels of CG Command to Conduct Extensive Outreach with Towing Industry 1. Discussing the TVBP 2. Explain and Encourage Industry Initiated Exams 3. Socialize details of NPRM and encourage comment 4. MSIB Template
Towing Vessel Bridging Program PPT
Located on Homeport Domestic Vessels/Un inspected Vessel Towing Vessels/ TVBP Developed and used by CG-543 w/notes (Excellent PPT for CO’s to use)
Industry Initiated Exams (Key Element 2)
Two Key Parts 1. Industry Calls local COTP/OCMI Schedules Exam 2. Decal Issued to Towing Vessel in Compliance with Existing Regulations
Education and Qualification (Key Element 3)
Qualification of New Examiners Complete Outreach, Orientation and Indoctrination (BAIT) Complete CG PQS (Not CGAUX PQS) Both Items to be completed prior to doing Exams
Phase I Goals Every Examiner completes the PQS
Every Examiner completes the Industry Indoc 50 percent of Towing Vessels in D8 receive Decal by end of FY2010 ( 2000 Vessels) Exam and Regulation Continuity
Phase II Commence after Ample Time for Phase I
Every Opportunity for Industry to Get an Exam Industry Initiated Exams will continue to be done in Phase II Subchapter M Outreach and education will continue
Risk-Based Targeted Exams (Key Element 4)
Targeting Matrix Similar to Port State Control Matrix to be Developed by NCOE Focus will be Towing Vessels with No Current Decal If Industry Initiated Exam was performed but no decal issued, vessel will be targeted
Target Vessel Identify Locate Contact Owner/Operator
Conduct Exam at our Convenience
Boarding’s and Surge Ops (Key Element 5)
At Operational Commanders Discretion Success of Industry Initiated Exam should drive Tempo of Law Enforcement Boarding’s Surge Operations (Big Tow)
Phase III Implementation of Sub Chapter M Towing Vessel receives COI
TVNCOE and Yorktown online and conducting formal Towing Vessel Inspection Training
Towing Vessel Outreach, Orientation and Indoctrination
ENS David McShane District 8 Prevention August 11, 2009
What is Towing Vessel Outreach, Orientation and Indoctrination?
This program is designed to complete two goals… Goal one is to Create an effective towing vessel industry orientation and indoctrination program for all new Coast Guard personnel assigned to Towing Vessel Examinations billets.
Goal two Create an outreach program designed to effectively communicate the Towing Vessel Bridging Program to all members of the towing industry and Coast Guard
A good working relationship
So the idea is to gain a good understanding of the towing industry by actively participating in this program. To do this begin by researching a company that has agreed to participate in this program You can do this by going onto the Coast Guard homeport site.
Where it is all at…. All info posted on Homeport - you do not need to login to obtain info - (or google "homeport") Transparency is a key compenent of the program! TVBP Indoc, Orientation, and Outreach Workbook TVBP message, policy memo, powerpoint, training message UTV Exam Form, Instructions, PQS, and MISLE guidebook
Towing Vessel Bridging Program
Towing Vessel Bridging Program
Towing Vessel Bridging Program
Where to find the company Names
After you are on the website click on TVBP Indoc, Orientation, and Outreach Workbook link to the right. Once you open the link you will have access to the guide which will provide you with companies in your area. Page 42
Example The 1st column is the unit…. 2nd column is Company name ….. 3d Column Company contact info…. Fourth column…. What to expect…. 5th column type of operaions…. The 6th column is the company location
How to begin Call the company rep in column three Set up a time period
Familiarize yourself with the towing orientation and Indoc booklet… Allow at least one week to devote to this program Pick a time when the boats will be underway
Your responsibilities
On page 16 there is the vessel particulars sheet which you will need to fill out for every vessel you are on On page 21 there will be over 50 items to check off This will guide your questions throughout the indoc
Subjects on checklist Safety Management System
Physical characteristics Vessel handling Maintenance and repair Crew life Licensing Vessel Security Injury prevention Emergency Response Pollution prevention Engineering Traffic management Personnel issues Tailor questions towards what you would like to learn
My schedule 0900 meeting with company heads 0930 security exercise
watch dispatch and learn company objectives for Safety 1130 Lunch 1200 security program 1300 Responsible carrier program 1400 Engineering 1500 shore maintenance 1600 drug testing procedures
What to bring and expect
You should bring coveralls, eye protection, helmet, gloves, flashlight, TVBP Indoc, Orientation, and Outreach Workbook, and good attitude
My experience was great
Never dull Everyone was eager to teach Pro active Vast amount of information Gained a greater appreciation for industry Made some good contacts Tailor the program around your experience and your questions Stay positive and keep an open mind The company does not need to be in AWO
FILL OUT SURVEY On page 28 there is an Industry background survey complete this when you are through and scan the survey into an adobe format, and forward it as an attachment through the chain of command to the Towing Vessel National Center of Expertise (TVNCOE).
Please remember… Be polite, professional, and be sure to ask a lot of questions We would like a strong positive relationship with a mutual understanding and respect
UTV Guidebook Developed fall 2006 Updated Winter 2009
CG and Mike Rushing of Rushing Marine
Requirements for Uninspected Towing Vessels
Previously LANTAREA INST New Version Picture on Front Change 1 March 2009
Contact Phone Numbers First Page
District Prevention Numbers Change D8 (504) Change NCOE Info (Next Page)
TVNCOE Contact Info Detachment Chief US Coast Guard Towing Vessel National Center of Expertise 504 Broadway #101 Paducah, 42001 Address
Table of Contents Page 2 A Quick Reference
Too suggest additions or Changes section on this page. (NCOE or Area)
Western River Specific
Text will be in Brown Examples – Page 9 refers to term Mate Again pages 30 and 31
Great Lakes Specific Text will be Green Example Page 36
Enclosures in Back Enclosure 1 (Page 54) Control of Vessel Operations
Hazardous Condition 33 CFR Examples that may warrant COTP Action
Enclosure 2 Report of Marine Accident, Injury or Death (CG-2692)
Barge Addendum (2692A)
D8 Goal Every Company gets a copy of the Guidebook
Every Towing Vessel gets a copy of the Guidebook If you need more Guidebooks send me an
Decal Show the new decal Explain the difference in the Old and New
Decal Decals are good for three years Placement of Decal
Bottom of Exam Form
UTV Exam Form UTV Form 001 (6/09)
Cover Page Needs to be filled out completely as possible during exam Information to be used for Risk Based Targeting and Measurement in Future UTV MISLE Incomplete or not accurate
What to Check Vessel Name - Document VIN - Document
Hailing Port – Check Stern & Document Year Built Number of Engines
What to Check (Cont’d) Total HP Number of Shafts
Fuel Tanks and Capacity Length Route – Look on Document
What to Check (Cont’d) Crew Endurance Management System
SMS – What type (RCP, ISM) QS – Quality System (ISO) Class Society Location – LAT n LONG
Vessel Service Under Service on Form: Line Haul Canal Locking River
Fleeting PX Barge Assist Seagoing Tug Harbor/Ship Assist/Escort Other: Specify (write it in)
Supervisor Control Case can be closed with out approval
Need some unit oversight of each case D8 will take random looks Should we communicate directly with ????
Activity is Done Exam Form is scanned in to the MISLE Activity
Actual Form becomes part of the Case File
New Forms At LANT Area Available now D8 will get 4000 copies to start
Will update before next printing
And Finally PDF of Form on Homeport
Domestic Vessels/ Towing Vessels/ TVBP
Marine Information for Safety and Law Enforcement
Mr. Michael White August 11, 2009 MSU Galveston, Texas
MISLE Not Teaching MISLE Hitting some High Points FAQ’s
Entering a New Vessel Anyone with access can make a new vessel
All Documented vessels are in MISLE Make sure the vessel does not already exist in MISLE State numbered vessels may need to be entered.
Chance to Make a Difference
Towing Vessels in MISLE have little or no information We have a Chance to do it right Each time we go into MISLE take a minute to check the Vessel Details (Update if needed)
Vessel Details You can update vessel details without opening an Activity. Go to the vessel description Summary page, select the Particulars Highlights. Look at the last subject on the Legend to the right.
In Vessel Details You can update: And more Vessel Service Propulsion
FOFR Firefighting And more
You can check Past and Current
Deficiencies on the Vessel Operational Controls Emergency Data Notes
Fleet of Responsibility
D ZJUN09 D8 Generated List by States Not perfect but best solution General FOFR Versus MTSA FOFR Goal 100% assigned to FOFR by 9/01/09
FOFR Down the Road Exam Conducted on TV not in your FOFR
Do you Take ownership ???? FOFR may be use to determine workload/billets/$$$$ in the Future
Vessel Service
Towing Vessel Exam This is an actual inspection type
Do not use Inspection/PSC for Towing Vessel Exams
TYPES of Exams Administration Annual Inspection (to be deleted)
DAPI Audit (New) Damage Survey (Just added) Deficiency Check
Types of Exam Cont’d Examination of Repairs (New)
Hawser Check (to be deleted) Industry Initiated Exams $$$$$$ (New) Joint Vessel Security (Messina) (New) Load Line (New)
Exam Types Cont’d MTSA Verification MTSA/ISPS Verification
Marine Casualty Follow Up (New) New Construction (New) Risk Based Targeted (New)
Exam Types Cont’d Security Plan Amendment Review – Done at HQ
Security Plan Amendment – HQ Review VSP – HQ Spot Check Definitions of all Exam Types on page 65 of MISLE Guidebook
Vessel Class/Types/Subtypes
Class is Towing Vessel Most of these are correct Majority have a Type of General Subtype of None or General These Need to be updated
Towing Vessel Types (NOW)
Pushing Ahead Towing Behind Harbor/Ship Assist Salvage/Fire Emergency Integrated Tug and Barge Log Bronc
Towing Vessel Types (New)
Line Haul Canal Locking River Fleeting PX Barge Sea Going Tug ITB or ATB Harbor Assist Other -
Scan Documents Actually Add document
So scan document and save in your documents Under documents in activity click add document
Which Documents Scanned into the Activity
Exam Form Professional Engineer letter for fire detection system Other documents from exam
Reviewing Official Each Unit should Designate Supervisor to review cases D8 Recommendation ( Towing Vessel MILSE POC for D8) D8 (dpi) will spot check cases D8 will provide feedback on regular schedule
FAQ’s Narratives – No canned MISLE Guidebook on Homeport
MISLE work completed in three (3) Working days MISLE Enhancement Request Tracking System SMS – Comment in MISLE (MERTS)
Ten Items to Take Home Industry Outreach is Vital/Key
(At all Level of Command) Complete the Indoctrination and PQS (not CGAUX PQS) GrandFathered Examiners – PQS/INDOC
Ten Items to Take Home Only Qualified Examiners do exams
MISLE Oversight – Supervisor Level Decal – Three Years Old verses New Decal Some where forward and on right side window
Ten Items to Take Home FOFR - Will be used to make decisions in future
Homeport Safety Management System Your gear
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