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Robert McCreight, DPA George Mason University

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1 Public Health Preparedness for Mass Casualty Crises in Urban Hospital Systems
Robert McCreight, DPA George Mason University Donald A. Donahue, DHEd, MBA, FACHE University of Maryland University College McCreight/Donohue

2 Mass Casualty Overview {MCI}
Scope and scale [catastrophic planning] Understanding the Urban Environment Population Concentrations The Isolated Patient Evacuation//shelter//resupply The mystery patient (Lincoln, 1991 NYC Marathon) Special issues and unpleasant surprises The Clean Area Myth Definitional boundaries [MCI] What do we already know? McCreight/Donohue

3 Thinking the Unthinkable
The Lateral Parallax The Lateral Parallax The Lateral Parallax McCreight/Donohue

4 MCI: Toward an Operational Definition
An incident or major catastrophe involving simultaneous, subsequent, and recurrent casualties, possibly of a widely diverse nature, where the number of victims entering urban health facilities substantially exceeds the expected crisis intake capacity of the entire health system for a significant period of time, thereby imposing major staffing, resource, critical care, and logistics burdens of severe complexity and undermining the effective functional performance of the overall health system 200 new patients Per hour for 3 days McCreight/Donohue

5 MCI and the urban context
How much, how many, when, and what type… Kinetic Communicable Disease Radiological Psychological Specificity and ambiguity CW—BW—radiological—[critical care plans?]?? Not all MCIs are sudden What does experience demonstrate? McCreight/Donohue

6 Implications for Urban MCI Planning
You don’t know what you don’t know…. Drills and exercises Happy endings and Unrealistic expectations Worst vs best case scenarios// black swans Unintended consequences Consequence management [inside and outside hospitals] The Logistical Tail Meds, IV Fluid, Supplies, ID Tags O2 Ventilators and other equipment Infectious Waste Mortuary Support Access- Egress--Security McCreight/Donohue

7 MCI Exercises and Drills
Fatal Collision: Planning Assumptions vs Reality Proximity to MCI risk zones Unlimited surge staffing? Resources? Logistics? Gaps between Biosurveillance/detection/confirmation /response Public Health and Medical Care Systems Decontamination puzzle and protocols Degraded communications [inside/outside] Special admissions protocols: CW-BW-rad-outbreak McCreight/Donohue

8 MCI : Other Issues Worth Noting
CW-BW agent detection/confirmation [foolproof?] What does accreditation mean? RAND ‘No-Notice Drills’-- 92% failed [2012] High # sustained/repetitive acute care demands Regional partners/EMAC/EMS/SWAT/Military Lab backup support/staff Evidentiary/chain of custody issues Worker exposure guidelines Crisis standards of care [for entirety of crisis period] Fido and Fluffy McCreight/Donohue

9 Location, Location, Location
Is Urban Hospital Proximity Golden?? Average Crisis Patient Intake Surge was 33 persons Per Assigned Hospital What if that Number Tripled? Or continued for another six days? McCreight/Donohue

10 Decon and Triage Tasks Vary
BW decon Suspicious Disease Outbreak decon CW decon Radiological decon Toxic exposure decon Exactly when and how is ‘clean’ achieved? Render safe complete? McCreight/Donohue

11 MCI—Some Afterthoughts
Medical countermeasures [rad//bio/chem] Hospital incident command [Tested? Stressed?] Bio-Chem-Rad annex to Emergency Plan [Realistic?] Victim Tracking/Notification Decon Zone/Triage zone/treatment zone Hospital staff health & safety measures [PPE] Accuracy of clinical decision making Insights from prior drills/other urban hospitals? McCreight/Donohue

12 Questions? Comments? Thanks Don Donahue 202-607-4718
Bob McCreight McCreight/Donohue

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