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Declination Feedback Enhancement of Influenza Vaccination Processes

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1 Declination Feedback Enhancement of Influenza Vaccination Processes
Mary Ellen Scales RN MSN CIC President APIC New England Chapter Manager, Infection Control Program Baystate Medical Center Springfield, MA March 2008

2 Baystate Medical Center
Springfield, Massachusetts 650 bed Tertiary Care Referral Center 41,000 admissions/year 7,000 Employees

3 Learning Objectives: Identify opportunities to influence vaccination education Identify common healthcare worker declination reasons Describe feedback mechanisms used to enhance compliance with immunization

4 BMC Vaccinated Healthcare Workers
Annually ~ 40% of our work force at BMC received Flu vaccine Flu season Web based program developed including paper copies for computer challenged

5 Education Program 2006: 7000 employees - 3,927 took on line program Influenza, methods of prevention, vaccine facts, location of vaccine clinics Program included declination process 2007: Added declination reasons to program, Automatic feedback for declination reasons Unit /area based champions as educators and vaccinators

6 Champion program All RN program, all settings
Education session with contact hours References, posters, tool kit Networking with peers Internal List serve Q/A ,Flu case update Prevention and control CDC, MDPH updates, facility and unit based feedback

7 Champion Education Process
Basic influenza and vaccine information Declination reasons from prior year Declination explanation, resources to enhance administration at the peer level Vaccine administration and recordkeeping

8 Champions at the unit level
Provide easy access to vaccination Unit staff, support staff, MDs Provide peer declination education and support Unit contact for Flu prevention program Direct those with ? reaction to Employee health services or ED

9 Declination Pros and Cons

10 Declination Pros Motivation, opens dialogue
Method to influence program Educate, dispel myths Offer other method of immunization delivery Measurement of population offered vaccination Similar to existing Hep B Vax process

11 Declination Cons Additional time and paperwork
? Value Additional time and paperwork Negative, alienating message Probing, personal, inquisitive or chastising Potential for disciplinary action Annual program vs. single process (Hep B)

12 Declination 2006-7 Declination process Select reason or free script
Free script reasons captured, provided additional information to increase future compliance 801/3927 employees declined (20%) for other than allergy or reaction in past

13 Baystate Medical Center Online quiz and Vaccine Declination Process.
Employees sign in with their employee number

14 Major Declination Reasons
Don’t think it works 160 (20%) Don’t Like Needles 104 (13%) Pregnant/Breastfeeding 40 (5%) May Give me the Flu 40 (5%)

15 Free Script Declination Reasons
Guillian Barre, Thimerosol Don’t want it, choose not to, personal choice Healthy, Good immune system, not in high risk group Never had the flu Never had the flu vaccine Do not work with patients

16 Has it worked ? BMC Employee Influenza Vaccination Program 2005-6:
3500 doses administered 2006-7: 4800 doses administered 2007-8: 5700+ doses administered

17 Mary Ellen Scales RN MSN CIC
Questions? Mary Ellen Scales RN MSN CIC

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