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Gymnasium & Phys.Ed Rules & Regulations

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Presentation on theme: "Gymnasium & Phys.Ed Rules & Regulations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Gymnasium & Phys.Ed Rules & Regulations

2 Entering the gym Slowly/ Quietly Leave outdoor Footwear on the mat
Leave books on shelf Change in gym clothes Return to assign seating

3 Locker room Must be kept CLEAN! Noise free Scent free
Use lockers for personal belongings Not responsible for lost or stolen articles!

4 Clothing Appropriate gym clothes is a must!
School dress code apply for phys.ed class!


6 Jewelry & Piercings For your safety, some jewelry shouldn’t be worn for Phys.Ed class.

7 Equipment Room

8 Gym offices

9 Storage Rooms

10 Gym equipment Do not touch without gym teacher permission!

11 … of class. 3 to 4 minutes to get to the gym and get changed

12 … of class Teacher will let you go a few minutes before the end of Phys. Ed class Don’t be late for your next class!

13 Intramurals Gym clothes is optional Gym shoes are mandatory!

14 Intramural Rules Morning Intramurals:
Students must enter the building by 8:15am or they are to stay outside. Students must bring in a clean pair of shoes. When students are playing basketball – students will not take shots from beyond the three point range. When students are playing Badminton – only three shuttles, which will keep all students playing on the court.

15 Any other equipment will be to the duty teacher’s discretion.
Consequences for not following the rules: First Strike – student will be asked to leave the gym for the rest of the day, including lunch time intramurals. Second Strike – Students will be removed from intramurals for a full week. Third Strike – Letter sent home to parent, administration involvement, removal for a month and a plan will be made if the student returns.

16 School Teams Tryouts Varsity & Junior varsity -- Check the Website and listen to announcements!!

17 Athletic Leadership

18 Class Marks Your Mark will be divided into 3 sections: Knowing Doing

19 Doing Efficient and effective movement skills
Activity specific skills in: Rhythmic/creative movement Team sports Co-operative games Low organized games Individual sports Alternative environments Offensive and defensive strategies Achieve and maintain level of fitness

20 Knowing Goal setting Informed choices Identify components of fitness
Rules, routines, and safety in a variety of activities Identify critical cues for skill analysis Identify basic games/sport patterns

21 Valuing Participation and self-motivation Fair play and respect
Enjoyment Social interaction skills Personal challenge Identify and take responsibility for different roles

22 Phys Ed Schedule for 2017-2018 Soccer/Fitness/Golf Badminton
Basketball Handball/Tchoukball Snowshoeing Volleyball Co-op games Fitness/track Lacrosse Ringette Tennis

23 Doing Grade 6 Topic 4 - Excelling 3 - Meeting 2 - Approaching
1 - Working Below Movement skills – Gymnasiums and Outdoors (D1, D9, K5) Frequently combines movement skills in a fluid way in multiple environments. Generally combines movement skills in a fluid way in multiple environments. Sometimes combines movement skills in a fluid way in multiple environments. Rarely combines movement skills in a fluid way in multiple environments. Dance Patterns & Creative Movements (D2, D3, K5) Regularly follows dance steps and creates movement patterns with and/or without others using body, space, time, and energy. Often follows dance steps and creates movement patterns with and/or without others using body, space, time, and energy. To some extent follows dance steps and creates movement patterns with and/or without others using body, space, time, and energy. Seldom follows dance steps and creates movement patterns with and/or without others using body, space, time, and energy. Catching and Throwing (D4) Always catches and throws accurately a variety of objects. Usually catches and throws accurately a variety of objects. Occasionally catches and throws with some accuracy a variety of objects. Never catches and throws with any accuracy a variety of objects. Striking (D5) Frequently contacts a variety of objects with accuracy using different implements (i.e., bat, stick, racket). Generally contacts a variety of objects with accuracy using different implements (i.e., bat, stick, racket). Sometimes contacts a variety of objects with accuracy using different implements (i.e., bat, stick, racket). Rarely contacts a variety of objects with accuracy using different implements (i.e., bat, stick, racket). Tactics & Strategies (D7 & K7) Consistently uses effective tactics and strategies in a variety of games. Routinely uses effective tactics and strategies in a variety of games. At times uses effective tactics and strategies in a variety of games. Hardly ever uses effective tactics and strategies in a variety of games. Physical Fitness (D8 together with K1 & K2) Frequently shows ways to improve their individual fitness levels (Flexibility, Cardiovascular, Muscular Strength & Endurance, Balance). Generally shows ways to improve their individual fitness levels Sometimes shows ways to improve their individual fitness levels Rarely shows ways to improve their individual fitness levels Evidence Observations (teacher and peers), checklists, rubrics, fitness testing, video analysis

24 Knowing and Valuing Topic 4 - Excelling 3 - Meeting 2 - Approaching
1 - Working Below Physical Fitness (K1, K2, K6 together with D8) Consistently demonstrates an understanding of setting and modifying goals for improving personal fitness levels. Routinely demonstrates an understanding of setting and modifying goals for improving personal fitness levels. Partially demonstrates an understanding of setting and modifying goals for improving personal fitness levels. Unable to demonstrate an understanding of setting and modifying goals for improving personal fitness levels. Nutrition (K3) Always identifies nutritional practices that can enhance physical wellness. Usually identifies nutritional practices that can enhance physical wellness. Occasionally identifies nutritional practices that can enhance physical wellness. Is seldom able to identify nutritional practices that can enhance physical wellness. Rules and Guidelines (K4 together with V2) Frequently follows the rules and guidelines outlined in class and in specific activities. Generally follows the rules and guidelines outlined in class and in specific activities. Sometimes follows the rules and guidelines outlined in class and in specific activities. Rarely follows the rules and guidelines outlined in class and in specific activities. Evidence Setting and achieving personal goals, journals, oral or written tests, quizzes, posters, observations (teacher and peers) using checklists, rubrics Topic 4 - Excelling 3 - Meeting 2 - Approaching 1 - Working Below Level of Enjoyment (V1 & V3) In their own words can thoughtfully, express the enjoyment from being physically active. In their own words can generally express the enjoyment from being physically active. In their own words can slightly express the enjoyment from being physically active. Is unwilling to express the enjoyment from being physically active. Cooperative Play (V2, V6 together with K4) Frequently shows fair play and etiquette by cooperating with others. Generally shows fair play and etiquette by cooperating with others. Sometimes shows fair play and etiquette by cooperating with others. Rarely shows fair play and etiquette by cooperating with others. Level of Participation (V4) Frequently demonstrates a willingness to participate and is always receptive to a variety of activities. Generally demonstrates a willingness to participate and is often receptive to a variety of activities. Sometimes demonstrates a willingness to participate and is partially receptive to a variety of activities. Rarely demonstrates a willingness to participate and is not receptive to a variety of activities. Responsibility of Roles (V5) Frequently shows responsibility for various roles while participating in physical activity. Generally shows responsibility for various roles while participating in physical activity. Sometimes shows responsibility for various roles while participating in physical activity. Rarely shows responsibility for various roles while participating in physical activity. Evidence Discussions, surveys, questionnaires, observations (teacher and peers), journals, portfolios

25 Fire Drill, Lockdowns & evacuations
If the Fire alarm sounds – the classes will leave the gym in an orderly manner and walk single file to the soccer field. During a Lockdown inside – Students will go into the equipment room, sit quietly and wait for the lockdown to end. Lockdown Outside – Student will follow their teacher off the field to a safe location. Evacuation - the classes will leave the gym in an orderly manner and walk single file to St. Marks Church.

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