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Famous Volcanoes.

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1 Famous Volcanoes

2 Mount Vesuvius Mt vesuvius , the active volcanoe that looms over the bay of naples in southern Italy,its erupted over 30 times that we know of. And yet its most famous eruption took place all the way back in AD 79 when a multi eruption of lava and ash coverd the cites of Pompiie and Stabiae in ash. Pliny the yonger auther of the only serviving eyewitness account discribed a sudden explosion followed by blankets of ash that fellon people as the tried to escape the total number of Vesuvius victomes will most likely never be known but arceoligest are aware of at least 1000

3 Kraktoa In 1883 the volcano on the Indonisan island of kraktoa erupted with times the power of an atomic bomb.the sound of the spewing smoke and rock was reportedly heard thousands of miles away as far as island of the eastern coast of Africa. Hundreds in a near by sumatrans town died almost instantly when flaming ash insenarated there homes and maney more where washed away by subsquent megatsuamies. An estamated or so died in toatal, kraktoa itself then slumped into the boiling depth of the ocean but a new island at the site was spotted in 1927 and it still ocasinally still spits lava into the sky its been dubbed anack kraktoa or child of kraktoa.

4 Mauna loa Its fitting that that the state crated out of a chain of volcanic island would be home to the big island of Hawaii and in addition to being the largest with a summet nearly feet high its also one of the worlds most active since 1843 Mauna Loa has erupted 33 times most recently in 1984 at 60 miles long and 30 miles wide. Mauna Loa the name of which means long moutian. in Hawaiian takes up bout half of the big island its mass also amounts to 85 % of all the other hawaiian islands combined

5 Questions What was Mauna Loa famous for? Where was Mauana Loa located? What year did kraktoa erupt in? Would you like to see kraktoa? Did mount vesuvius erupt over 30 times? What was your favorite volcano?

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