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Nuclear physics in Poland and plans related to ISOLDE

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1 Poland@ISOLDE Nuclear physics in Poland and plans related to ISOLDE
Marek Pfützner ISOLDE Collaboration Committee Meeting, CERN, November 4, 2014



4 Some history ● – Poland was the only country from behind the Iron Curtain having the oficial „observer” status at CERN ● July 1, 1991 – Poland becomes a member of CERN ● early 90’s(?) – Poland became a member of ISOLDE (W. Kurcewicz), after two years the funding was refused  2004: 50 years of CERN – a review by W. Kurcewicz lists 50 papers from ISOLDE experiments coauthored by Polish physicists  Some projects initiated and lead by scientists from Poland (before 2004):  Octupole deformation in actinides (IS322 – W. Kurcewicz)  New neutron-rich isotopes of bismuth, lead, and thallium (IS354 – K. Rykaczewski)  Search for detour transitions in REC decay of 81Kr (IS355 – M. Pfützner)  Coulomb excitations of neutron-rich 88Kr beam (IS424 – J. Iwanicki)

5 Where we are In 2007 we were about 330 people active in nuclear physics Szczecin University University of Warsaw  Faculty of Physics  Heavy Ion Laboratory  National Centre for Nuclear Research  University of Łódź Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin  Institute of Nuclear Physics (PAN) Jagielonnian University University of Silesia

6 Miniworkshop on Polish membership in CERN- ISOLDE
Miniworkshop on Polish membership in CERN- ISOLDE Heavy-Ion Laboratory, Warsaw, May 23, 2014 A consortium was set up and all signatures under the agreement were collected October 1, 2014 Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kraków  Bogdan Fornal National Centre for Nuclear Research, Warsaw  Henryk Mach University of Łódź  Józef Andrzejewski University of Warsaw Heavy Ion Laboratory  Katarzyna Wrzosek-Lipska Faculty of Physics  Marek Pfützner

7 Cluster transfer reactions for gamma-ray yrast spectroscopy
Bogdan Fornal Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences Krakow, Poland A new method for gamma-ray spectroscopic studies of yrast and non-yrast structures in neutron-rich nuclei. It relies on the triton transfer process induced by radioactive beams on a 7Li target. AX + 7Li A+3-xY+α+xn Z Z+1 AX A+1Y 7Li ~2º n Z Z+1

8 Gamma spectroscopy of n-rich 98,99Sr nuclei by the incomplete fusion
reaction of 98Rb on 7Li: introduction to HIE-ISOLDE studies - experiment with MINIBALL + T-REX at REX-ISOLDE Spokespersons: Bogdan Fornal (Kraków) and Silvia Leoni (Milano) Collaboration: IFJ PAN Krakow – Univ. Milano - SLCJ Warsaw – ISOLDE CERN Reaction: 98Rb MeV/A IS536 Detection system: MINIBALL + T-REX Coincidencec between g rays and a particles Results: Transfer of tritons into 98Rb, with emission of alpha particles, has a sizeable cross- section as predicted by DWBA calculations. By tagging on a particles one obtains clean g-ray spectra from triton transfer products. Yrast, near-yrast and non-yrast states are populated.

9 98Rb(60%)/98Sr(40%) (2.84 MeV/u) + 7LiF (1.5 mg/cm2)
99 Sr Y 98 98 Sr Rb 98 IBEAM (98Ru/98Sr) ≈ 2.5 x 104 pps Counting rate: ~0.03 ev/s for a-g (10 k in 4 days) S. Bottoni et al, to be published, and S. Bottoni, PhD Thesis

10 A new proposal has been submitted to ISOLDE INTC:
„Spectroscopy of particle-phonon coupled states in 133Sb by the cluster transfer reaction 132Sn on 7Li: an advanced test of nuclear interactions” Spokespersons: Silvia Leoni and Bogdan Fornal 132Sn + 7Li Sb+α+2n P-419 presented tomorrow 2n 133 Sb 132 t Sn

11 Ultra fast timing studies on exotic nuclei (at ISOLDE)
by Henryk Mach, NCBJ for the Fast Timing Isolde Collaborations

12 Basic Principles of Ultra Fast Timing (Advanced Time-Delayed Method)
beta β The range for the measurements is from 30 ps to 30 ns (or longer) by the slope method and down to about 5-10 ps by the centroid shift method, see H.Mach et al. Nucl. Phys. A523 (1991) 197.

13 IS322 - IS386 Ra - Ac octupole region IS441 134Sn, 136Sn decays IS386
Mn decay IS386 Ba octupole region IS322 - IS386 Ra - Ac octupole region IS414 Mg island of inversion IS441 (2009) 81,82Zn decays IS441 134Sn, 136Sn decays IS317 76Rb to 76Kr decay → 135Sb structure → 136Te: B(E2, 2+ → 0+) 13

14 Lifetime of the 2+ state in 32Mg
Centroid shift technique using a two gamma ray cascade involving beta and keV gammas. Detector calibration for BaF2 at energies close to a y 885 keV, and cascading via levels of precisely known lifetimes : 88Rb ( keV) 30Al ( keV) 24Na ( keV) Triple coincidence: Beta-Ge-Ge Beta-Ge-BaF2(t) Beta-BaF2(t) time spectra gated by Ge energy 14

15 B(E2)’s for Mg isotopes ATD Low E CoulEx, Timing Intermediate E CoulEx
[from O. Niedermaier] Low E CoulEx, Timing Intermediate E CoulEx ATD 15

16 IS474 IS579 P-429 presented tomorrow


18 Evolution of collectivity and shape coexistence
Analysis of ISOLDE Coulex experiments: GOSIA code GOSIA: most widely used code for low-energy Coulex T. Czosnyka et al., Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 28 (1982) 745 Strong involvement of HIL Warsaw in Coulex data analysisof numerous ISOLDE experiments Shape coexistence Hg, Po, 188,190Pb Oblate shapes 140,142Sm Evolution of collectivity and shape coexistence 96,98Sr, 93-99Rb, 94,96Kr MINIBALL: 8 triple clusters 2+1 → 0+1 4+1 → 2+1 2+2 → 0+1 Kα (Hg) Kβ (Hg) 112Cd recoil (2+1 → 0+1) E2 matrix elements between yrast and non-yrast states up to 4+ quadrupole moments of the 2+ states shape parameters of the low-lying states degree of mixing between low-lying states 182Hg Bree et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 112 (2014) K. Wrzosek-Lipska, M. Zielińska, P. Napiorkowski

19 GOSIA - semiclassical Coulomb excitation codes
Developed and supported at Rochester, Warsaw, and Köln.

20 GOSIA Workshop, HIL, Warsaw
1st GOSIA Workshop EURONS 2nd GOSIA Workshop ENSAR 27 participants form 15 institutes 9 ISOLDE users Program 12 presentations: examples of COULEX analysis 3 working groups for hands-on session: practice with the GOSIA code dedicated session for ISOLDE users round-table discussion: users needs to GOSIA development.

21 Future: 182,184Hg cont. Future: 180,182Hf P-??? IS562




25 P-429 presented tomorrow M. Madurga, S. Paulauskas

26 Conversion electron spectroscopy
Jarosław Perkowski University of Łódź

27 ULESE (University of Lodz an electron spectrometer )

28 Efficiency of the spectrometer

29 Electrons from 184Pt

30 TPC with optical readout
Trigger Recording system p charge amplification e ionization electrons light HV electrodes counting gas at atmospheric pressure incoming identified ion gating electrode CCD PMT 6He 31Ar ?

31 Probing the neutron halo of 6He using the Warsaw Optical Time Projection Chamber (OTPC)
Weak decay branch (10-6) 6He  a + d provides insight into the 2n halo of 6He Bunches of 6He ions were delivered by REX-Isolde and implanted into the OTPC Clear images of decay events with tracks of an a particle and a deuteron were recorded by a CCD camera Detailed analysis is in progress ISOLDE, August 2012 Anthony Raabe Preliminary!

32 b decay of 8He @ Dubna CCD Q = 4.3 MeV PMT
Ea = 1150 keV Et = 2570 keV En = 610 keV We see about 400 triton events. The branching for the bt is 0.9 %

33 Thank you! The consortium is planning to apply to the Polish National Science Centre for funding our membership in ISOLDE. We hope to become a member again…

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