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Present continuous FUTURE ARRANGEMENTS.

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Presentation on theme: "Present continuous FUTURE ARRANGEMENTS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Present continuous FUTURE ARRANGEMENTS

2 El Present Continuous también se utiliza para hablar de planes de futuro. A menudo, la forma verbal va acompañada de una expresión que hace referencia al futuro, por ejemplo: tomorrow, next week.

3 I’m doing aerobics tomorrow. We’re having a party next week.

4 Next Saturday, Tessa is doing aerobics
Next Saturday, Tessa is doing aerobics. In the afternoon she is meeting Rachel. In the evening, she is going to a concert. On Sunday, Tessa is having breakfast in a café. In the afternoon, she is playing basketball. In the evening, she is watching a video with her friends.

5 Next Saturday, Rachel is going swimming
Next Saturday, Rachel is going swimming. In the afternoon, she is meeting Tessa. In the evening, she is seeing Tim. On Sunday, Rachel is visiting her aunt Jean. In the afternoon, she is having lunch with Tim. In the evening, she is going to the cinema.

6 Is Tessa doing aerobics on Saturday morning?
Yes, she is.

7 Is Tessa playing golf on Saturday morning?
No, she isn’t.

8 Is Rachel doing aerobics on Saturday morning?
No, she isn’t.

9 Is Rachel going to the cinema on Sunday evening?
Yes, she is.

10 Marga Renedo Gómez

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