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Types of Social Interaction

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1 Types of Social Interaction
Chapter 3 – Section 2 Types of Social Interaction

2 Bell work: Fill in the following for yourself.
1. Ascribed status 2. Achieved Status(two) 3. Role Set 4. Master Status 5. A role associated with each achieved status.

3 Essential Question: How does social interaction contribute to group life? I will explain the impact five types of social interaction have on group life.

4 Understanding Social Interaction
Individually – brainstorm the following topic(2 min) What changes would occur if, from now on, all people were born with an extra thumb on each hand? Write down whatever idea comes to mind, regardless of how practical it is.

5 Understanding Social Interaction Continued…
Form groups – brainstorm the following topic: What would you do if you had 1 million pipe cleaners? One member write down responses for group(oldest member).

6 Understanding Social Interaction Analyzing the activity:
Count the number of responses generated in your individual brainstorming. Count the number of responses generated by each member of the group in the group brainstorming. Do you think brainstorming alone or in a group is more creative? Why?

7 Explain these terms from today while reading section in your own words
Explain these terms from today while reading section in your own words!!! Give an example for each Pages 59-61 Social Interaction Exchange Conflict Competition Accommodation Cooperation

8 Answer the following questions:
Reading Assignment: Pages Briefly explain each in your own words. Answer the following questions: Discuss the five types of social interaction and example of each. how is online interaction different from real world? With your shoulder partner, briefly discuss the four types of accommodation(two each). How do individuals and groups use accommodation to settle disputes?

9 Every Day Interactions
Think back to the last couple of days. 1. List two examples of interaction you have with other people. 2. Next to each one—what motivated you to engage in this interaction? 3. Classify which of the five type of interaction did it fall into?

10 Writing After looking at your results, which of the five types of social interaction do you use most frequently and why?

11 Quiz Your Knowledge Answer Questions #1-10 on scrap paper.
Then your shoulder partner will grade correct it.

12 Review: 1. Accommodation 2. Conflict 3. Cooperation 4. Competition
a. Interaction in which individuals or groups combine their efforts to reach a goal 2. Conflict b. Interaction aimed at defeating an opponent 3. Cooperation c. A voluntary action performed in the expectation of getting a reward in return 4. Competition d. Interaction in which individuals or groups are forced to behave in a particular way 5. Social Exchange e. Helps to ensure social stability 6. Social institution f. family, education, or religion

13 7. What type of Social Interaction(s) is it?

14 8. What type of Social Interaction is it?

15 9. What type of Social Interaction is it?
Two neighbors sharing recipes and ideas

16 10. Which one…?

17 11. What do you think?

18 Answers… 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. E 5. F 6. C 7. Cooperation 8. Conflict
9. Social Exchange 10. Competition 11. Accommodation

19 Do You Know Who This Is? AKA: The Butcher of Baghdad
Saddam Hussein—the brutal dictator or Iraq who was executed for crimes against humanity. He exercised complete control over his country and anyone who defied him was thrown in prison or executed—no questions asked.

20 How about Him…?? “Chemical Ali”, one of Saddam’s chief henchman and cousin. He obeyed orders, no matter what. (Coercion) Was obedient in every case and never objected. He even used chemical weapons on his own people, killing thousands.

21 The Stanley Milgram Experiment: 188-189—Attempted to Answer
To test group pressure he asked research participants to give electric shocks to people who gave wrong answers. The electric shocks were not real, but the subjects screamed in pain to see how far the participant was willing to obey orders. The person giving the shocks thought they were real. What would you do if you were volunteered? Would you refuse to obey orders and stop electrifying them? Or would you keep going to obey orders? Let’s see… Youtube Milgram 5:06

22 Exit Question Answer in Complete Sentences
What did Stanley Milgram’s experiment teach you about group pressure and obedience? Think about: how do you think this might explain the behavior of Hitler’s top generals OR Chemical Ali listening to whatever he was told to do by Saddam Hussein?

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