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UN Environment Latin America and the Caribbean Following up to the Decisions of the XX Meeting of the Forum of Ministers 11-13 October 2017, Bogota, Colombia.

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Presentation on theme: "UN Environment Latin America and the Caribbean Following up to the Decisions of the XX Meeting of the Forum of Ministers 11-13 October 2017, Bogota, Colombia."— Presentation transcript:

1 UN Environment Latin America and the Caribbean Following up to the Decisions of the XX Meeting of the Forum of Ministers October 2017, Bogota, Colombia Decision 8 on Chemicals and Waste

2 Decision 8 Chemicals & Waste
Background: considered since Forum XVI (Dominican Republic, 2008) Formerly some consideration of chemicals within Health and Environment “Waste” introduced in 2012 Generic calls for action until 2016: establishment of Intergovernmental Network Links with regional and global agenda: Cross-cutting issue to Agenda 2030 UNEA Resolution 2/7 on Sound Management of Chemicals and Waste ILAC: Health and Environment (chemicals); Sustainable Cities (waste) Synergies: Sustainable Consumption and Production, Governance, Ecosystems, Oceans, Environmental Education,… Emergent issues Mercury Plastic waste SAICM emergent policy issues: e-waste, pharmaceuticals, nanomaterials, endocrine disrupting contaminants, highly polluting pesticides, lead in paing,… Caribbean Mesoamerica Andean Region Southern Cone 33 countries 2

3 Intergovernmental Network: overview
Mesoamerica Steering Committee – 8 countries Chair: Brazil; Co-chair: Jamaica (Established Aug-2016) Established by the XX LAC Forum of Ministers of Environment (Cartagena, Mar-2016) Andean Region 26 National Focal Points Aim: regional cooperation and exchange of experiences 1st face-to-face meeting Steering Committee & Regional Action Plan Working Group (Panama, Nov-2016) Southern Cone 33 countries 3

4 Intergovernmental Network: Operative issues
Steering Committee operative since August 2016 Six on-line meetings to date One face-to-face meeting (Panama, Nov-2016) Rules of operation Agreed Nov-2016; circulated to Focal Points Dec-2016; Adopted Feb-2017 Procedures to include non-governmental stakeholders established Regional Action Plan Working Group established Nov-2016 Survey on priority issues submitted to Focal Points May-2016 (70% response rate) Small group (Peru, Costa Rica, Colombia) drafting document with Secretariat support

5 Intergovernmental Network: information
Initial information exchange activities (in accordance with Decision 8) 4 Webinars Programmes for the management of industrial chemicals - Experiences in LAC (Jan-17) Special Programme on Institutional Strengthening – Lessons learnt in LAC (Apr-17) Experience of the LIRA Guidance in LAC and development of further guidance (Jun-17) Programme of Industrial Chemicals Management in Chile (Aug-17) 1 Informative document Regulation of Industrial Chemicals: Overview of some available schemes and case studies in LAC (draft) 190 participants, 30 countries

6 Chemicals & Waste agenda
SAICM: 1st Meeting of the SAICM Intersessional Process for the consideration of SAICM after 2020 (Brasilia, 7-9 Feb 2017) Upcoming: SAICM LAC Regional Meeting (Panama, Jan 2018) Basel, Rotterdam, Stockholm Conventions Regional preparatory meeting for the Conference of the Parties from the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions (Sao Paulo , May, 2017) BRS triple COP (Geneva, 24 Apr- 5 May 2017) Minamata Convention on Mercury GRULAC preparatory meeting (Buenos Aires, Jul-17) First Conference of the Parties (COP1) (Geneva, Sep (16 ratifications in LAC) Special Programme on institutional strengthening

7 Waste: LAC regional outlook
In accordance to XIX Forum of Ministers and UNEA Resolution Chemicals & Waste Based on Global Waste Management Outlook: Status and trends Governance Finance Draft report circulated for regional consultation to national focal points and stakeholders May-June 2017 Final version and summary for decision makers by Nov-Dec 2017

8 Waste: other actions National and City level Waste Strategies
Pilot projects in Honduras, Saint Lucia and Uruguay being completed University Consortium for Sustainable Waste Management in Latin America and the Caribbean 8 universities, 7 countries Academic programme developed Thematic network to be launched Caribbean Waste Management Conference Kingston, July 2017 Caribbean Waste Action Plan on-going Municipal Organic Waste Upcoming seminar: Sao Paulo, 22 Nov

9 Thank you

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