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College Awareness Project

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1 College Awareness Project

2 Overview/Needs Assessment
The Klein Independent School District has a program to promote college awareness across all campuses. At Schultz Elementary, our counselor has worked on some programs, such as career days and speakers, to encourage students to think about college even in their elementary years. However, aside from the staff wearing college t-shirts on Thursdays, there were few visual reminders of college awareness throughout the building. My mentor and I worked together to formulate a way to make college awareness more exciting and interesting for the students, as well as more visible.

3 My Role/Action Plan I was given the task of raising college awareness across our elementary campus. My duties: Develop a plan for college awareness that would make connections real for students Engage students and staff in the college awareness program Develop programs for college awareness that would be visible to students, staff, and visitors to the campus Involve staff in creating college awareness Create a program featuring “March Madness” – the NCAA Men’s basketball championship Maintain and update the basketball bracket as needed Create college pennants to be displayed outside each teacher’s room Solicit and accept feedback about the program

4 College Awareness Artifacts

5 College Awareness Artifacts

6 College Awareness Artifacts
Note sent to teachers to ask for participation in the college awareness project s (2 pgs.) from my mentor regarding project implementation and completion

7 College Awareness Artifacts
My intern project on College Awareness was submitted by my school counselor as part of my campus’s accountability measure for House Bill 5. Pictures of my project were submitted as part of the campus records for 21st Century Workforce Development category.

8 Evaluation/Reflection
The College Awareness program/March Madness basketball bracket has been a big success on my campus! I have watched as students check the bracket daily and have discussions about which teams will win, where that college is located, and which of our teachers were still in the running for the National Championship. The teachers have also been very supportive and complimentary. Our PE teacher has requested that I make a bracket each year so that it can be posted in the gym during PE classes and the students can keep track of the tournament. I received responses to my pennant project from 57 of the approximately 80 staff members I asked to participate. It is very rewarding to walk through the building and see the pennants posted outside the classrooms and offices of the staff members and to see that college awareness has been raised across my campus.

9 Project Overview Table
Area of Concern Needs Assessment Action Plan Evaluation Reflection Students need to be aware of the importance of college for their future College Awareness projects to make colleges more visible for students Create pennants featuring each teacher’s college or university Create a March Madness bracket to follow the college basketball tournament Teachers are displaying pennants outside each room March Madness bracket was filled as playoffs continued Teachers were pleased to participate in both programs and were supportive and encouraging through verbal and written feedback. Students enjoyed following bracket. PE teachers have requested bracket for next year’s college basketball tournament Competencies Addressed: 001, 002, 005

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