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Chapter 13: The Renaissance ( )

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1 Chapter 13: The Renaissance (1348 - 1600)
13.4 – Renaissance Art and Literature

2 During the Renaissance, people called a gifted artist a genius
Born with special skills and was different from ordinary people Donatello Made paintings and sculptures look real Someone once heard him speak to his sculptures

3 Languages of Renaissance Writers
During Middle Ages, people wrote books in Latin Italian poets Petrarch and Dante wrote in Italian In England, writer Geoffrey Chaucer wrote stories in English

4 Queen Elizabeth I William Shakespeare
Ruled England between 1558 and 1603 England gained new political power and economic wealth during her reign William Shakespeare One of the greatest writers in the English language during the Elizabethan Age Wrote sonnets (14 line poem about one idea) and dramas (plays) Queen Elizabeth I ruled England when Shakespeare lived

5 Miguel de Cervantes Leading Renaissance writer from Spain
Created the character Don Quixote Quixote was a comic, or funny character who sees himself as a knight who must right the wrongs of the world Published the first part of his novel, Don Quixote de la Mancha, in 1605

6 Johann Gutenberg German who invented the first printing press
that used moveable metal type In 1455, printed a Bible This Bible was one of the first books printed in Europe

7 The English writer ___ wrote stories in the English language.
One of the greatest English writers of plays and sonnets was ___. The Spanish writer Cervantes created a wonderful character named Don ___. The Italian poet ___ wrote in his country’s language. The ___ was one of the first books printed in Europe. C.T.) Why would having books in one’s own language lead to more learning?

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