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South Sacramento Department Quality Councils

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1 South Sacramento Department Quality Councils
Creating a structure of empowerment PROCESS CONCLUSION 2013: Department Quality Councils established 2014: Standardized roles and interprofessional structure to include Management and Staff co-leads, frontline staff, educators, quality nurse consultants, and medical directors. 2015: Formal Process Improvement training on Problem statement and SMART goal development, Project charters, process mapping, and PDSA planning and evaluation. Staff surveys conducted to evaluate staff perceptions of the Department Quality Councils to make improvements and better empower staff. 2016: Engagement of Patient Advisory Council to co-create SMART Goals and plan PDSAs Every year leadership hosts a symposium “The DQC Breakfast” to honor the dedication and celebrate the accomplishments. This creates momentum and excitement to sustain motivation and engagement. By creating a structure of empowerment and using transformational leadership to build relationships, develop trust, and engage frontline staff, the medical center has experienced increasingly improved engagement, staff satisfaction, and patient satisfaction. PURPOSE To engage all members of the department, including managers, supervisors, physicians, and employees to: Improve the quality and safety of patient care in the department Increase the vitality and retention of nurses Engage and improve patient and family member experience of care Improve the effectiveness of the entire care team NEXT STEPS Spread DQC success to other nursing units Strengthen connection between Nursing Research Council and DQCs to formalize use of Evidence Based Practice in PI work Collaborate with Area Portfolio Leader to align DQC projects with Strategic Priorities RESULTS HCAHPS Rate Hospital Increased avg: 66.9% in 2011 to 74% in 2016 HCAHPS Nurse Communication Increased avg: 72.5% in 2011 to 78.8% in 2016 People Pulse Work Effect. Index Increased from 73% in 2012 to 80% in 2015 Total Harm Events Decreased from 141 events in 2015 to 80 events in 2016

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