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Curious incident of the dog in the night-time by: Makeda

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1 Curious incident of the dog in the night-time by: Makeda
Curious incident of the dog in the night-time by: Makeda.Philip,Jaskaranpreet Ralh ,Jessica Smith

2 Summary One night Christopher Boone discovers that his neighbour dog wellington has been murdered he runs threw a bit of trouble with the police and ends up getting himself arrested . He is determined to find his killer. In this book secrets and lies begin to pile up about his mothers death and everything he thought was true was a lie which gave him another case to solve and each started to unravel on its own. After his dad found out that he was still investigating about Willington it made him mad so he hid his book which made it harder for Christopher to write or solve the case. One day while Christopher dad was at work he was snooping around the house for his book he looked high and low but could not find but the only room left was his fathers he looked everywhere until he looked in his closet he saw a tool box but his book was not in there but under the tool box was a T-shirt box's in there was book but also to find something that shocked him it had his name on it was a letter only addressed to him and that his father was hiding something from him.

3 Christopher Boone Christopher Boone is the main character in this novel and tells it from his perspective. Christopher is fifteen years old and suffering from a disability but also he is really intelligent, he can do a lot of stuff that nobody else can like example a lot of math equations and make maps inside of his head. Christopher's mind is like a dvd player which he mentions in this novel.

4 Christopher's disability causes him to be scared of people and especially big crowds, he also doesn't like to be touched which is another thing his disability causes. The only people that he can touch is his family and even then he needs to know hes safe so his father and mother put their hands against his so he knows its okay to touch them and nothing will happen.

5 When Christopher finds out his mom was still alive he felt crushed and that his father has killed wellington because of jealousy, it makes him think what is best for him and that he was not safe at home. Christopher gets in trouble a lot during this book, his thinking causes conflict which then helps him get through everything in the end.

6 Secondary characters Ed Boone is Christopher's father, through out the story he has anger problems that he can not control, but it can also relate that he is a single parent, “then he says holy fucking Jesus, Christopher, how stupid are you?”(pg.81). Judy Boone is Christopher's mother, when Chris was thirteen she had an affair with the next door neighbour she decided she would be better off moving further away, she doesn't have as much patient as Christopher's father does. Christopher's mother is sweet and impatient and regrets leaving her son.”I couldn't take it anymore. And your father is really patient but I'm not”(pg.107).

7 Wellington was Mrs. Shears dog, he was a mystery in the novel the dog is the reason for this book and why it was written. Christopher wanted to solve the mystery and wanted to know who killed the poor dog because Chris liked dogs very much.”I stroked wellington and wondered who killed him and why?”(pg.2). Wellington was nice but also a naughty dog so Mr. Boone says.

8 setting The setting takes place in Swindon.
The setting takes place in front of mrs. Shears house in the middle of the lawn in swindon. The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time is very interesting ever since I started to read it. I like this book because it's so fascinating how a boy with mental problems can be very intelligent. This book shows that anything is possible in this world. Even if the book is fiction, I would say that's it's not possible for someone to be this bright with mental problems, and there have been such cases except the experiences might have been different. So maybe there can be such individuals out there and that makes me feel normal because we're all humans and this is what should bring us together.

9 symbol Toby: Toby is Christopher's pet rat. His rat represents his freedom. Christopher may be autistic but he is responsible. He makes a timetable to make sure he does everything correctly and take good care of his pets. He feeds him and plays with him daily. Because of Christopher independent he is also brave. While he travels to his mother's he brings Toby along so that he can care for him. A-Level Math test: Is a difficult test that only special, intelligent students take, and it represents Christopher making progress and overcoming the cruelties of society. It shows his superiority in a subject, ability to function in life, and ability to behave like a normal student, despite his disabilities. Puzzles: Christopher always challenges himself with puzzles like Conway's Soldiers and 100 Number Puzzles. He even carries around a puzzle piece in his pocket, symbolize his puzzle life. In adding, he compares the murder mystery of the novel to one large puzzle. For Christopher, puzzles are personal, interesting mind challenge.

10 Theme During the novel, we also see how trust is very necessary for relationships to succeed. When Christopher learns that his father killed Wellington, he no longer trusts him and decides to run away. Christopher’s father has to learn his son’s trust back, which he does by the end of the novel. Mr. Boone tells Christopher that he would never hurt him. He also gives Christopher a puppy to apologize for killing Wellington.

11 genre Bildungsroman: Christopher is trying to find answers to the wellington murder. The protagonists mistakes and disappointments are over. In some works, the protagonist is able to reach out and help others after having achieved maturity. Detective Fiction/Murder Mystery: Christopher is like Sherlock Holmes when it comes to murder mysteries, he likes to solve things and is good at what he does, he likes solving problems that are difficult, but there is always a straight forward answer at the end. Quest narrative: Christopher narrates in mathematical logical terms, he also uses methods that he can communicate with the readers.

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