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SEEDS Kick-off meeting May 6, Lausanne Bojana Tasic Renate Kunz

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Presentation on theme: "SEEDS Kick-off meeting May 6, Lausanne Bojana Tasic Renate Kunz"— Presentation transcript:

1 SEEDS Kick-off meeting May 6, Lausanne Bojana Tasic Renate Kunz
SEEDS: Planning SEEDS Kick-off meeting May 6, Lausanne Bojana Tasic Renate Kunz

2 Overview SEEDS planning: 24 months (chart)
Detailed planning 2015 (chart) WP 1 WP 2 WP 3 WP 4 Workshop planning (WP 3) General planning: Mailing list Promotion: SEEDS website and leaflet Deliverables and responsibilities Role of CESSDA in SEEDS Associate partner: Bosnia and Herzegovina ?

3 SEEDS planning: 24 months

4 Detailed planning 2015

5 Detailed planning 2015 WP 1: Organisation and infrastructure building (for new partner institutions) Evaluation of national research, infrastructure, funding and legal landscape (How is research being done? How much is data shared and reused in each country?) Involvement with stakeholders? Study legal conditions for data protection Deliverable (D3): Report on evaluation or research and legal conditions Deliverable (D4): Establishment plan Go through the slides and show what we should do this morning and then come back and start gathering your inputs.

6 Detailed planning 2015 WP 2: Building data collections and enhancing tools (for old partner institutions) Build a larger data collection: 10 new data collections for each country? (Approach, ideas, etc.) Showcase in online data catalogues Accessible (end-user license) Enhance technical system (prototype) put in place during SERSCIDA Re-evaluate existing tools Deliverable (D8): Data collection and preparation Deliverable (D9): Technical improvements

7 Workshop planning (WP 3)
Workshop planning (WP 3) Workshop I: Belgrade ? September 2015 (Month 3-5)? Workshop II: Zagreb ? May 2016 (Month 12-14)? Workshop III: Ljubljana, November (Month 18-20)? Workshop I and II can be switched; try to set the dates for all three workshops; Workshop III should be in Liubliana since it is hands on training and did that before.

8 Detailed planning 2015 WP 3: Training activities for capacity building
Detailed planning 2015 WP 3: Training activities for capacity building Workshop I: Where? When? How long? Who (2 people)? Content: concepts and principles of archiving (OAIS model); how to run a data archive; data management, metadata creation; confidentiality and anonymisation of data; contractual system Advisory Board member/CESSDA member? Deliverable (D2): Report on Workshop I 2 days workshop and half a day planning?

9 Detailed planning 2015 WP 4: Dissemination and outreach
SEEDS website (hosted at FORS) English language General information about SEEDS For outreach and promotion of project activities to stakeholders Documents produced during the project …? Deliverable (D1): SEEDS website

10 General planning: Mailing list
General planning: Mailing list Promotion in general, SEEDS website, leaflet Deliverables and responsibilities Role of CESSDA in SEEDS Associate partner: Bosnia and Herzegovina? Mailing list: s. Excel-file Deliverables and responsibilities (s. next slide)

11 Work package(s) involved
Del. No. Deliverable Name Work package(s) involved Delivery month Responsibility D1 Project website WP4 3 D2 Report on Workshop I WP3 4 D3 Report on evaluation of research and legal conditions WP1 6 D4 Establishment plan 8 D5 Policy and procedures document 12 D6 Report on integration of technical system D7 Report on Workshop II 14 D8 Report on data collection WP2 18 D9 Report on technical improvements D10 Report on Workshop III 20 D11 Individual country websites D12 Local conference 24

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