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Presentation on theme: "One."— Presentation transcript:

1 One

2 Here is the numeral 1. 1

3 Here is one dot.

4 This die shows one dot.

5 Here is a playing card—the ace of diamonds. It has just one diamond.

6 This baby is just one year old.

7 one o’clock

8 One is the atomic number of the element Hydrogen.

9 We have just one head,

10 one nose,

11 one mouth, one chin,

12 and one bellybutton.

13 One equals zero plus one.
1 = 0 + 1

14 Inside our bodies, we have one heart,

15 one tongue,

16 and one brain.

17 In Christianity and other religions, people believe there is just one God.

18 The ordinal word for 1 is first (1st),
as in, “The bear was here first.”

19 Most countries have just one capital city.

20 Most countries have just one president (at a time).

21 George Washington, of course.
Who was that? It was the first president of the U.S., also the man on the one dollar bill. George Washington, of course.

22 Here is the word one. one

23 Earth has just one moon. (Sometimes it is called Luna.)

24 The Earth goes around just one star, called the Sun.

25 Most candles have just one wick and one flame.

26 One is odd. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9…

27 A Christmas tree has just one topper (this one is a star).

28 Flowers have just one stem,

29 and fruit like this apple has just one stem, too.

30 Here is a lady’s one-piece bathing suit,

31 and here is a tie— men wear only one.

32 The word for myself – I – has just one letter.

33 When you win a race or other competition, you win first prize,

34 and in sports, first place earns a gold medal.

35 Here is the Roman numeral I.

36 Being the first is special
Being the first is special. For example, Sir Edmund Hillary was the first to climb to the top of

37 Mount Everest, the tallest mountain in the world.

38 There can be only one of the tallest, the deepest, the oldest
There can be only one of the tallest, the deepest, the oldest. These are called “records.”

39 This person was the tallest man in the world
This person was the tallest man in the world. There can be only one tallest!

40 1. The End

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