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Welcome to 3rd Grade Curriculum Night

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1 Welcome to 3rd Grade Curriculum Night
3rd Grade Team Mr. Cody Chatagnier Ms. Terri Drew Mr. Chad Hutsell Ms. Michelle Lee Mr. Jared McClelland

2 MAP testing Administered 3 times a year (Aug, Jan, March) K-5
First rounds of testing have begun Computer adaptive test 3 sections (appx. 40 min. each) Reading Mathematics Science Parents will receive a student progress report that will include their RIT score.

3 MAP Results Teachers MAP data will be used to help plan classroom instruction. MAP data will be used to track whole-class progress & individual student progress. Data will help teachers group students for differentiated instruction. Students Students will use their MAP results to help set academic goals for the school-year. Results will be used to track student progress throughout the year.

4 Ways you can help your child
Keep a positive attitude about tests. Talking about the test with your child can relieve stress about test taking. Make sure that your child gets enough sleep on the night before the test. Eat a good breakfast the morning of the test. Encourage your child to take their time. These tests are not timed.

5 Third Grade Curriculum
All third graders will be taking the Georgia Milestone in April. The third grade curriculum can be viewed on the Henry County website at: Instruction Curriculum and Instruction Elementary Standards and Grading Elementary Standards Students will be administered a number of assessments including MAP, GA Milestones and common assessments.

6 Common Core Georgia Performance Standards – CCGPS
What is Common Core? Mathematics English/Language Arts Science Social Studies

7 Language Arts Whole Group, Guided, Self-Selected
Writers Workshop and Writers Folders Personal Narrative Opinion Writing Informational Writing Literary Writing Vocabulary – Vocabulary words are aligned with Science & Social Studies Units.

8 Essentials for Mathematics
Multiply and divide within 100 Use place value understanding and properties of operations Geometry Reason with shapes and their attributes. Area/Perimeter Measurement Represent and Interpret data Develop understanding of fractions

9 Science Soils Rocks and Minerals Fossils Heat Habitats Pollution
Regions of GA Pollution

10 Social Studies American Indian Cultures North American Exploration
British Colonial America US Geography Branches of Government Economics Resources Goods & Services Producers & Consumers

11 Cubihatcha Nature Center
Date TBA. Comfortable shoes/outside shoes. We eat lunch on site. Students can bring lunches or a school sack lunch will be provided. Encourage your child to bring a light jacket. No chaperones are allowed for this trip.

12 Student Technology Henry County is providing each student with his/her own technology. K-2 will receive IPADS 3-5 will receive Chromebooks Optional $35 Annual Tech Protection Plan Fee Students with free lunch the fee is waved Students with reduced lunch the fee is $17 Read the Digital Learning Device Handbook Visit for more info

13 Food Allergies Please be advised we have several students with food allergies. DES is a peanut free school Please do not send snacks/treats that contain peanuts. Ask your child’s teacher for special situations

14 Parents as Partners Be supportive of your child.
Ask specific questions about their day. Set up a homework time and place. Check and sign agenda on a daily basis. Ask your child about the books he/she is reading. Encourage your child to read independently. When out at restaurants and stores, ask math questions. Encourage your child to pack his/her book bag before bedtime. Monitor bedtime and breakfast. Set high expectations and confidence in your child. Read to your child!

15 Thank you for coming to Curriculum Night!
We are looking forward to a successful year with your child!

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