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Marie Curie Scientist.

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1 Marie Curie Scientist

2 Born in 1867 in Warsaw, Poland
Full name: Maria Sklodowska Nickname: Manya By age 11, her mother and eldest sister died

3 Her father was a professor of science
Marie loved science Marie’s sister: Bronya Sisters pact: university Marie graduated at age 15

4 At age 24 Marie registered at the famous Sorbonne university in Paris
In 1894 she met Pierre Curie, a scientist In 1895 they got married They had 2 children – Irene and Eve

5 In 1898 the Curies discovered a mineral called pitchblende contained uranium and other radioactive elements Polonium = 300 times more active than uranium Radium =one million times stronger than uranium

6 In 1903 Marie and Pierre Curie were awarded the Nobel Prize for their discovery of Radium
The Curie’s did not know that Radium was dangerous and could cause illness They couldn’t attend the Nobel Prize award ceremony as they were very sick because of the Radium

7 In 1906 Pierre was tragically killed
In 1911 Marie was awarded a second Nobel Prize for Chemistry First woman to win a Nobel Prize First person to win twice

8 In 1896 Antoine Henri Becquerel discovered x-rays
During World War I, Marie trained over 150 women to operate x-ray equipment to help wounded soldiers They saved thousands of soldiers

9 During the later part of her life Marie suffered various medical problems caused by exposure to Radium She died in 1934 Her remains lie beside her husband in the famous Pantheon in Paris

10 Marie’s great discoveries made her one of the most important scientists in history
Irene Curie became a Professor of Science in Paris and received a Nobel Prize for her scientific work in 1935

11 Marie Curie

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