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Devaki C S Ph.D Research Scholar, Food Preservation Division

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Devaki C S Ph.D Research Scholar, Food Preservation Division Defence Food Research Laboratory Siddharthanagar, Mysore – INTRODUCTION Phase I: Selection of the subjects and tools JUSTIFICATION FOR PRE CLINICAL WORK Medical check–up by doctor and clinical manifestation of nutritional deficiency disorders (2) Bio-chemical analysis (Hemoglobin, Blood Sugar and Lipid Profile) Anthropometric measurements of height, weight, waist and hip (2). Functional Status (3). Mood Assessment (4, 5). Conducting the study by the product developed by DFRL. Not much of work is being done on the proposed area of research especially on nutritional improvement on fermentation and their evaluation. The literature work carried out brings out the fact that though a few fermented vegetable products are reported, the studies on increased nutritional strength, flavour etc has not been given importance. Secondly, many more vegetables of Indian agriculture can be attempted for the development of fermented products and their evaluation for health benefits makes a wholesome approach to the study. Food and Nutrition security is essential for human survival, livelihood and healthy life. Fermentation is a method of preservation through formation of acidulants, alcohols, antibacterial compounds and improving digestibility of protein and carbohydrates, thus improving the nutritional strength and flavour. However, the fermentation of vegetables and their products has not received much attention. The vegetable gourds are known for their fibre content, vitamins and medicinal properties. The modification of taste and flavour can be achieved by the fermentation process with increased availability of nutrients. Phase II: Dietary Supplementation – Preliminary Assessment: EXPECTED OUTCOME Anthropometric measurements of height, weight, waist and hip. Conducting the Diet survey Conducing biochemical analysis (Hemoglobin, Blood Sugar and Lipid Profile) Conducting Functional Status. Conducting Mood Assessment test. Medical check-up for clinical manifestation. RATIONALE Creating scientific evidence for the health benefits of fermented vegetables juices. The outcome will be unique and will be the recent additional information for the researchers. The scientific evidence makes more consumer friendly and creates confidence. As on to-day, the products are not found commercially. In the recent years, vegetable juices preservation is slowly catching up. But the vitamins and minerals present in vegetables gets reduced during processing and storage. Hence the strategic approach of fermentation of vegetable juices aids in improving the minor nutrients REFERENCES Phase III: Dietary supplementation OBJECTIVE The selected elderly will be fed dietary supplementation on all days in a week Provision of supplementary juices to elderly will be fed in the empty stomach in the early morning. It is proposed to provide supplementary juices to elderly for a period of nearly 3 months. Thimmayamma BVS, Rao P. (1996). Dietary Assessment as Part of Nutritional Status. In: Mahtab SB, Rao NP, Vinodini R, editors. Textbook of Human Nutrition. New Delhi: Oxford and IBH Publishing Co.Pvt.Ltd p Jelliffe DB. (1996). The Assessment of Nutritional Status of the Community. WHO. Katz S. (1983). Assessing Self – Maintenance: Activities of daily living, mobility and instrumental activities of daily living. J Am Geriatr Soc, 31 (12) : Folstein MF, Folstein SE, McHugh PR. (1975). Mini – Mental State. A practical method for grading the cognitive state of patients for the clinician. J Psychiatr Res, 12 (3) : Yesavage JA, Brink TL, Rose TL, Lum O, Huang V, Adey M, et al. (1983). Development and Validation of a Geriatric Depression Screening Scale: A Preliminary Report. J Psychiatr Res, 17 (1) : 37-49 To find the effect of fermented juice supplementation (product developed by DFRL) on health, nutrition status and psychological behaviour of elderly population. Phase I: Selection of the subjects and tools Phase IV: Effect of Dietary Supplementation after three months Selection of Subjects based on age – Geriatric Population form Vasavi Old Age Home, Alanahalli, Mysore. Institutional ethical clearance for the human study 50 – 100 subjects will be selected based on their willingness to accept the developed product for different fermented juices; Ashgourd Fermented Juice for General Subjects and Bitter Gourd Fermented Juice for Diabetic Subjects and a control group for both the developed products. Conducting the Diet survey (1). Anthropometric measurements of height, weight, waist and hip. Conducting the Diet survey Conducing biochemical analysis (Hemoglobin, Blood Sugar and Lipid Profile) Conducting Functional Status. Conducting Mood Assessment test. Medical check-up for clinical manifestation.

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