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Christophe Bault LBNF Cryostat, final design review SURF, August 2017
Table of content Who Am I and Where Have I Been?
Introduction to installation sequence Handling and lifting Installation sequence 8/21/2017
Who Am I and Where Have I Been?
Senior Mechanical designer CERN, Experimental Physics Department In charge of LBNF/DUNE Warm cryostat CAD models, in accordance with structural analysis made within EP-DT. Use of CATIA V5 (Dassault systems) CAD system. In charge of proposing a conceptual LBNF/DUNE Warm cryostat assembly process. 30 years of professional experience in mechanical engineering design, 24 years of professional experience in 3d CAD modeling. At CERN since 2001, experience includes 11 years as mechanical designer for various experiment and detector design such as ATLAS LHC Inner Detector project (current and upgrades), NA62 straw chamber, Roman Pot for LHC, etc…, 3d design, manufacturing drawings, follow-up construction, and installation. 8/21/2017
Introduction to installation sequence
The proposition of sequence describe here: Start by the opposite side of the 2 cavern separation wall: because of the very limited space between cryostat beams and wall Sequence proposed is: Installing all floor beams in the right position (accuracy controlled by survey), flatness of the ground/beams compensated by jacks Pouring concrete below floor profiles Installing short wall (opposite side of the 2 cavern separation wall) Installing long wall and roof: portal by portal: vertical beams in 1st, roof beams in 2nd Installing 2nd short wall, except opening for detector insertion Installing warm membrane, starting by both extremities in parallel, temporarly fixed to the cryostat beams by clamps. Welding each warm membrane panel to its neighbor panel Closing warm membrane and installing last cryostat beams, after detector insertion Other sequence option could be studied in the future, in order to optimized mounting schedule 8/21/2017
Handling and lifting We assume to have:
2 side monorails + 1 central monorail, with a lifting capacity of 15T each 2 hoists per monorail (15T capacity) 1 bridge crane suspended to side monorails, with a lifting capacity of 13T. The hook of the bridge crane is able to reach the zone describe in the following slide A preliminary design of this bridge crane is under progress. In case of limited reachable zone, other solution will be used (fish rod concept) + other lighter lifting tools (for example to move warm membrane panels inside the cryostat)… 8/21/2017
Handling and lifting Y Z X Bridge crane hook accessible area 69400
Internal length of cavern Cavern wall Cavern 1 Cavern 2 17832 Y Z Internal width of cavern 19800 X Bulkhead 800 67800 800 Bridge crane hook accessible area 8/21/2017
1- Floor beams installation
Procurement of beams central monorail Z X Y 8/21/2017
1- Floor beams installation
1st small wall L beam installation Bridge crane Preparation of following L beams Z X Y 8/21/2017
1- Floor beams installation
2nd small wall L beam installation Bridge crane Preparation of following L beams Z X Y 8/21/2017
1- Floor beams installation
3rd small wall L beam installation Bridge crane Preparation of following L beams Z X Y 8/21/2017
1- Floor beams installation
4th small wall L beam installation Bridge crane Preparation of following L beams Z X Y 8/21/2017
1- Floor beams installation
5th small wall L beam installation Bridge crane Preparation of following L beams Z X Y 8/21/2017
1- Floor beams installation
6th small wall L beam installation Bridge crane Preparation of following L beams Z X Y 8/21/2017
1- Floor beams installation
7th small wall L beam installation Bridge crane Preparation of following L beams Z X Y 8/21/2017
1- Floor beams installation
8th small wall L beam installation Bridge crane Preparation of following L beams Z X Y 8/21/2017
1- Floor beams installation
9th small wall L beam installation Bridge crane Z X Y 8/21/2017
1- Floor beams installation
Procurement of beams Central monorail Z X Y 8/21/2017
1- Floor beams installation
Preparation of full length portal floor beam Alternatively, portal floor beam is composed of: 2 L beams + 1 central beam 2 L beams + 1 central beam + spacers (up to 18) Use of the bridge crane for preparation Z X Y 8/21/2017
1- Floor beams installation
1st portal floor beam installation, translated thanks to 2 hoists suspended to side monorails Positioning guaranteed by survey measurement, Flatness of the ground/beams compensated by jacks Preparation of following portal floor beam Z X Y 8/21/2017
1- Floor beams installation
2nd portal floor beam installation, translated thanks to 2 hoists suspended to side monorails (weight = 30T) Positioning guaranteed by survey measurement, Flatness of the ground/beams compensated by jacks Preparation of following portal floor beam Z X Y 8/21/2017
1- Floor beams installation
3rd portal floor beam installation, translated thanks to 2 hoists suspended to side monorails Positioning guaranteed by survey measurement, Flatness of the ground/beams compensated by jacks Preparation of following portal floor beam Z X Y 8/21/2017
1- Floor beams installation
4th portal floor beam installation, translated thanks to 2 hoists suspended to side monorails Positioning guaranteed by survey measurement, Flatness of the ground/beams compensated by jacks Preparation of following portal floor beam Z X Y 8/21/2017
1- Floor beams installation
5th portal floor beam installation, translated thanks to 2 hoists suspended to side monorails Positioning guaranteed by survey measurement, Flatness of the ground/beams compensated by jacks Preparation of following portal floor beam Z X Y 8/21/2017
1- Floor beams installation
6th portal floor beam installation, translated thanks to 2 hoists suspended to side monorails Positioning guaranteed by survey measurement, Flatness of the ground/beams compensated by jacks Preparation of following portal floor beam Z X Y 8/21/2017
1- Floor beams installation
Procurement of beams Central monorail Z X Y 8/21/2017
1- Floor beams installation
Preparation of full length portal floor beam Use of the bridge crane Z X Y 8/21/2017
1- Floor beams installation
7th portal floor beam installation, translated thanks to 2 hoists suspended to side monorails Positioning guaranteed by survey measurement, Flatness of the ground/beams compensated by jacks Preparation of following portal floor beam Z X Y 8/21/2017
1- Floor beams installation
8th portal floor beam installation, translated thanks to 2 hoists suspended to side monorails Positioning guaranteed by survey measurement, Flatness of the ground/beams compensated by jacks Preparation of following portal floor beam Z X Y 8/21/2017
1- Floor beams installation
9th portal floor beam installation, translated thanks to 2 hoists suspended to side monorails Positioning guaranteed by survey measurement, Flatness of the ground/beams compensated by jacks Preparation of following portal floor beam Z X Y 8/21/2017
1- Floor beams installation
10th portal floor beam installation, translated thanks to 2 hoists suspended to side monorails Positioning guaranteed by survey measurement, Flatness of the ground/beams compensated by jacks Preparation of following portal floor beam Z X Y 8/21/2017
1- Floor beams installation
11th portal floor beam installation, translated thanks to 2 hoists suspended to side monorails Positioning guaranteed by survey measurement, Flatness of the ground/beams compensated by jacks Preparation of following portal floor beam Z X Y 8/21/2017
1- Floor beams installation
12th portal floor beam installation, translated thanks to 2 hoists suspended to side monorails Positioning guaranteed by survey measurement, Flatness of the ground/beams compensated by jacks Preparation of following portal floor beam Z X Y 8/21/2017
1- Floor beams installation
All portal floor beam installed, and correctly aligned to have the right position and the right flatness Positioning guaranteed by survey measurement, Flatness of the ground/beams compensated by jacks Under each floor beam, concrete will be poured Need concrete shuttering Z X Y 8/21/2017
1- Floor beams installation
Installation of a false floor Bridge crane Z X Y 8/21/2017
2- Short wall Z- installation
Short wall beams procurement Central monorail for procurement, bridge crane for moving Z X Y 8/21/2017
2- Short wall Z- installation
Vertical central beam installation Bridge crane Preparation of following vertical beams (alternatively with and without spacers) Z X Y 8/21/2017
2- Short wall Z- installation
Vertical beams (-1, 1) equipped with spacers installation (weight = 13T) Bridge crane Z X Y 8/21/2017
2- Short wall Z- installation
Vertical beams (-2, 2) (without spacers) installation Bridge crane Z X Y 8/21/2017
2- Short wall Z- installation
Vertical beams (-3, 3) equipped with spacers installation Bridge crane Z X Y 8/21/2017
2- Short wall Z- installation
External vertical beams installation Bridge crane Preparation of top horizontal beams Bridge crane or another independant lifting tool, jacks… Z X Y 8/21/2017
2- Short wall Z- installation
Installation of top horizontal beams (weight = 9.8T) 2 hoists suspended to side monorails Z X Y 8/21/2017
2- Short wall Z- installation
Installation of corner pillars, ground to level 1 Bridge crane Z X Y 8/21/2017
2- Short wall Z- installation
Installation of corner beams, level 1 Bridge crane Z X Y 8/21/2017
2- Short wall Z- installation
Installation of corner pillars, level 1 to level 2 Bridge crane Z X Y 8/21/2017
2- Short wall Z- installation
Installation of corner beams, level 2 Bridge crane Z X Y 8/21/2017
2- Short wall Z- installation
Installation of corner pillars, level 2 to level 3 Bridge crane Z X Y 8/21/2017
2- Short wall Z- installation
Installation of corner beams, level3 Bridge crane Z X Y 8/21/2017
2- Short wall Z- installation
Installation of corner pillars level 3 to level 4 Bridge crane Z X Y 8/21/2017
2- Short wall Z- installation
Installation of top corner beams Bridge crane Z X Y 8/21/2017
3- Long wall and roof installation
Part procurement Central monorail for procurement, bridge crane for moving Z X Y 8/21/2017
3- Long wall and roof installation
Installation of vertical beams row 1 Bridge crane In parallel, preparation of following vertical and roof beams, alternatively with and without spacers Z X Y 8/21/2017
3- Long wall and roof installation
Installation of spacers Bridge crane Z X Y 8/21/2017
3- Long wall and roof installation
Installation of roof beams row 1 (weight = 15T) Central monorail to lift and rotate 90° 2 hoists suspended to side monorails to move to final location Z X Y 8/21/2017
3- Long wall and roof installation
Installation of vertical beams row 2 Bridge crane Z X Y 8/21/2017
3- Long wall and roof installation
Part procurement Central monorail for procurement, bridge crane for moving Z X Y 8/21/2017
3- Long wall and roof installation
Installation of roof beams row 2 Central monorail to lift and rotate 90° 2 hoists suspended to side monorails to move to final location Z X Y 8/21/2017
3- Long wall and roof installation
Installation of top spacers Bridge crane Z X Y 8/21/2017
3- Long wall and roof installation
Installation of vertical beams row 3 (weight = 12.8T) Bridge crane Z X Y 8/21/2017
3- Long wall and roof installation
Preparation of roof beams row 3 Bridge crane Z X Y 8/21/2017
3- Long wall and roof installation
Installation of roof beams row 3 Central monorail to lift and rotate 90° 2 hoists suspended to side monorails to move to final location Z X Y 8/21/2017
3- Long wall and roof installation
Installation of a false floor on the roof Installation of vertical beams row 34 Central monorail for moving from roof to floor Bridge crane for moving from floor to L beam top flange Z X Y 8/21/2017
3- Long wall and roof installation
Installation of roof beams row 34 2 hoists suspended to side monorails Z X Y 8/21/2017
3- Long wall and roof installation
Installation of vertical beams row 35 Central monorail for moving from roof to floor Bridge crane for moving from floor to L beam top flange Z X Y 8/21/2017
3- Long wall and roof installation
Installation of roof beams row 35 2 hoists suspended to side monorails Z X Y 8/21/2017
3- Long wall and roof installation
Installation of vertical beams row 36 Central monorail for moving from roof to floor Bridge crane for moving from floor to L beam top flange Z X Y 8/21/2017
3- Long wall and roof installation
Installation of roof beams row 36 2 hoists suspended to side monorails Z X Y 8/21/2017
3- Long wall and roof installation
Installation of vertical beam row 37 Central monorail for moving from roof to floor (picture 1->5) Bridge crane for moving from floor to L beam top flange (picture 6->8) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8/21/2017
3- Long wall and roof installation
Installation of vertical beam row 37 Central monorail for moving from roof to floor Bridge crane for moving from floor to L beam top flange Z X Y 8/21/2017
3- Long wall and roof installation
Installation of vertical beam row 38 Central monorail for moving from roof to floor Bridge crane for moving from floor to L beam top flange Z X Y 8/21/2017
3- Long wall and roof installation
Installation of vertical beam row 39 (last row) Central monorail for moving from roof to floor Bridge crane for moving from floor to L beam top flange Z X Y 8/21/2017
4- Short wall Z+preparation
Procurement of vertical short wall beams, before finishing the roof Temporarly stored in vertical position (need temporary support fixed on the cavern wall Use of central monorail for procurement Use of bridge crane for storage positionning Z X Y 8/21/2017
4- Short wall Z+preparation
Procurement of vertical short wall beams, before finishing the roof Temporarly stored in vertical position (need temporary support fixed on the cavern wall Use of central monorail with 2 hoists to insert beam in its storage area 2 3 4 5 1 10 6 7 8 9 Z Y 8/21/2017
5- Last roof beams installation
37th roof beams installation, translated thanks to 2 hoists suspended to side monorails Z X Y 8/21/2017
5- Last roof beams installation
37th roof beams installation, translated thanks to 2 hoists suspended to side monorails Z X Y 8/21/2017
5- Last roof beams installation
38th roof beams installation, translated thanks to 2 hoists suspended to side monorails Z X Y 8/21/2017
5- Last roof beams installation
39th roof beams installation, translated thanks to 2 hoists suspended to side monorails Z X Y 8/21/2017
6- Short wall Z+ installation
External vertical beams installed thanks to the bridge crane Z X Y 8/21/2017
6- Short wall Z+ installation
Corner pillars from ground to 1st level bridge crane use Z X Y 8/21/2017
6- Short wall Z+ installation
Corner beams, 1st level bridge crane use Z X Y 8/21/2017
6- Short wall Z+ installation
Corner pillars from level 1 to level 2 bridge crane use Z X Y 8/21/2017
6- Short wall Z+ installation
Corner beams, 2nd level bridge crane use Z X Y 8/21/2017
6- Short wall Z+ installation
Corner pillars from level 2 to level 3 bridge crane use Z X Y 8/21/2017
6- Short wall Z+ installation
Corner beams, 3rd level bridge crane use Z X Y 8/21/2017
6- Short wall Z+ installation
Vertical beam spacers installation bridge crane use Z X Y 8/21/2017
6- Short wall Z+ installation
Vertical beams installed thanks to the bridge crane Z X Y 8/21/2017
6- Short wall Z+ installation
Vertical beams (previously prepared with spacers) installed thanks to the bridge crane Z X Y 8/21/2017
6- Short wall Z+ installation
Vertical beams installed thanks to the bridge crane Z X Y 8/21/2017
6- Short wall Z+ installation
Top horizontal beam1 installed thanks to the bridge crane Z X Y 8/21/2017
6- Short wall Z+ installation
Top horizontal beam 2 installed thanks to the bridge crane Z X Y 8/21/2017
6- Short wall Z+ installation
Corner pillars from level 3 to level 4 bridge crane use Z X Y 8/21/2017
6- Short wall Z+ installation
Corner beams, 4th level bridge crane use Z X Y 8/21/2017
7- Warm membrane installation
Opening of the 3 central roof beams Use of 2 hoists suspended to side monorails Warm membrane procurement, panels left inside the cryostat through roof opening Need a lift movable tool (pallet jack) to move warm membrane panels inside the cryostat (weight of heavier panel = 1T) Z X Y 8/21/2017
7- Warm membrane installation
Short wall warm membrane panels (both short walls) Use of bridge crane through beam roof Each panel is positionned, Fixed with temporary clamps, and welded from inside of the cryostat Z X Y 8/21/2017
7- Warm membrane installation
Corner warm membrane panels (both sides) Use of bridge crane through beam roof Each panel is positionned, Fixed with temporary clamps, and welded from inside of the cryostat Z X Y 8/21/2017
7- Warm membrane installation
Roof, long wall and floor warm membrane panels (both sides, extremities) Use of bridge crane through beam roof Each panel is positionned, Fixed with temporary clamps, and welded from inside of the cryostat Z X Y 8/21/2017
7- Warm membrane installation
Roof, long wall and floor warm membrane panels (3rd row on both sides) Use of bridge crane through beam roof Each panel is positionned, Fixed with temporary clamps, and welded from inside of the cryostat Z X Y 8/21/2017
7- Warm membrane installation
Roof, long wall and floor warm membrane panels (2nd row on both sides) Use of bridge crane through beam roof Each panel is positionned, Fixed with temporary clamps, and welded from inside of the cryostat Z X Y 8/21/2017
8- Closure of roof Put back in place 1st roof beams, thanks to 2 hoists suspended to side monorails Z X Y 8/21/2017
8- Closure of roof Put back in place 2nd roof beams, thanks to 2 hoists suspended to side monorails Z X Y 8/21/2017
8- Closure of roof Put back in place central roof beams, thanks to 2 hoists suspended to side monorails Z X Y 8/21/2017
9- Closure of warm membrane roof
Last panels lifted inside the cryostat before closure of roof beams, put in place thanks to bridge crane, temporary fixed with clamps, and welded Z X Y 8/21/2017
10- Ready for detector insertion
All elements for cryostat closure could be provided and stored in the cavern Central monorail and bridge crane Z X Y 8/21/2017
11- Closure of the cryostat
1st panel is welded from inside of the cryostat Detector to be protected during welding operation Use of bridge crane Z X Y 8/21/2017
11- Closure of the cryostat
2nd panel is welded from outside of the cryostat Use of bridge crane Z X Y 8/21/2017
11- Closure of the cryostat
3rd panel is welded from outside of the cryostat Use of bridge crane Z X Y 8/21/2017
11- Closure of the cryostat
4th panel is welded from outside of the cryostat Use of bridge crane Z X Y 8/21/2017
11- Closure of the cryostat
5th panel is welded from outside of the cryostat. Tightness is ok Use of bridge crane Z X Y 8/21/2017
11- Closure of the cryostat
Vertical beam equipped with spacers installed Use of bridge crane Z X Y 8/21/2017
11- Closure of the cryostat
Top horizontal beam installed Use of bridge crane Z X Y 8/21/2017
11- Closure of the cryostat
Warm membrane stiffeners installed Could be manually handled: 1 beam = 34.5Kg Z X Y 8/21/2017
Thank you for your attention
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