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Medical Terminology 2 Dr. Aidah Abu Elsoud Alkaissi

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1 Medical Terminology 2 Dr. Aidah Abu Elsoud Alkaissi
School of Nursing & Midwifery An-Najah National University

2 Prefix Meaning Medical Terms A-,an No, not anemia A condition of “ no blood” .it is a decrease in the number of red blood cells or a decraese in their ability to carry oxygen because of less hemoglobin, a protein that helps carry oxygen in red blood cells aut self autopsy Viewing and examining a dead body with one´s own (self) eyes. The root OPS- (viewing) is imbeded in the suffix- opsy (process of viewing) dia Complete, through diagnosis Dia means complete dys Bad, painful, difficult, abnormal, dysentery The suffix y means condition or process endo within Endocrine glands Crin/o means to secrete (to form and give off) Examples of endocrine glands are the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, adrenal gland, Ovaries, testes. All of these glands secrete hormones within the body and into the blood stream.

3 Endocardium. The valves and chambers within the heart are lined with endocardium

4 Prefix Meaning Medical Term exo ourside Exocrine glands Exe:sweat, tear, mammary (breast) glands, which secrete substances to the outside of the body hyper Excessive, more than normal, too much hyperglycemia Glyc/o means sugar, hyperglycemia may be a sign of diabetes mellitus “sweet” hypo Below,less than normal, under hypoglycemia This condition results from too much insulin in the blood stream. Symptoms are weakness, headache, and hunger pro Before, forward Prostate gland This exocrine gland “stands” (-state) before or in front of the urinary bladder in males Re- back resection - Section means cutting into an organ, but resection means removing some or all of an organ in the sense of cutting back or away.thelatin resection means “a trimming or pruning” Retro- behind retrogastric Sub. Below, under subhypatic Trans Across, through transdermal Transurethral:the urethra is a tube that leads from the urinary bladder to the outside of the body

5 Hyperglycemia and diabetes
Urethral resection of the prostate gland (TURP) Please see page 19 in the textbook

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