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History Word Break Down

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1 History Word Break Down
Prefixes, suffix, word root

2 Identifying word parts
Combining vowels Used when the suffix begins with a consonant neur/o nerve plasty repair Neuroplasty NOT neurplasty Also used when combining two or more root words gastroenteritis Suffix Procedure, condition, disorder, or disease - ectomy removal - al of, or pertaining to Prefix Location, time, number, or status trans - across intra - in/within sub - less than/under Word Root Basic meaning, normally body part

3 Reading medical terms Start with the suffix. Define.
Identify the prefix (if any). Define. In the middle find the root word(s). Define. Combine. Suffix+Prefix+Root(s) Intraneural Suffix: al = pertaining to Prefix: intra = within Root: neur = nerve

4 Put around the prefix. Underline the wordroot Put a around the suffix
Tonsillitis Tonsillectomy Gastrosis Gastralgia Gastrodynia Gastritis Arteriomalacia Arteriosclerosis Arteriostenosis abdominocentesis Appendectomy Hemorrhage Prenatal Otorhinolaryngology Lithotomy

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