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Tender Evaluation Briefing

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1 Tender Evaluation Briefing
Nikki Hunter MCIPS

2 Objectives of briefing & Tender Evaluation
To brief you regarding the evaluation process To clearly articulate how to evaluate the responses received and the aims of that evaluation To establish the evaluation principles To set out the evaluation roles and responsibilities To explain the reporting requirements and deadlines Evaluation objectives To select the bidder whose proposal offers the Best Value for Money. That is the best composite blend of Technical competence, service delivery and price over the life of the contract.

3 Evaluation Team Responsibilities
What does the Evaluation team need to do? To read the tenders and understand the Bidders’s responses. To identify any need for clarifications and to make this request to [insert name], to contact Bidders To produce an individual set of scores and rationale for each score

4 Moderation Review Acts as the ultimate evaluation group and will effectively ‘wash up’ the scores Quality review all evaluation processes and provide the necessary challenge to both the rationale and thinking that will be applied to specific bidder scores Provide the evaluation scoring and information to enable an award recommendation to be made and feedback to be provided to all bidders

5 What is being Evaluated
Using the information provided in the Tender you must use your professional judgement to determine what mark is awarded Scores should reflect a logical conclusion of what was requested against what was provided in the response Scorers should provide a clear rationale as to why the score was assigned and should be factual Remember we are assessing the capability of the Bidder to deliver the goods or services - how they will actually deliver the contract.

6 Evaluation process Each Bidder must be treated equally and evaluation team members must approach the scoring in a consistent, non discriminatory and fair manner Every score for every question must be robust and have a corresponding justification Submissions must only be scored on the information contained within them and any clarifications received (very rarely will we need to ask for clarification). Any other information that may have already been received by other means, including personal experience cannot be taken into account Each evaluation member must produce a completed score sheet for each bidder to be moderated

7 Marking Scheme All responses to the questions should be assessed and allocated a score ranging from 0 and 10, shown by the table below: Fully meets the requirement and offers added value - The evidence demonstrates that the requirement is fully met and provides deliverable added value. 10 Fully meets the requirement - The evidence demonstrates that the requirement is fully met 7 Almost meets the requirement - Evidence provided shows that the requirement is met but MINOR reservations exist about the quality or extent of the evidence provided 5 Partially meets the requirements - Evidence provided shows that the requirement is met but SIGNIFICANT reservations exist about the quality or extent of the evidence provided 2 Fails to meet the requirements - Failed to demonstrate or provide evidence of an ability to meet the requirement

8 What is Added Value? Added Value – An improvement or addition to something that makes it worth more. Added Value is an increase in worth of a product or service as a result of a particular activity and should be considered in relation to the end users. i.e. Lower cost for the same functionality or same cost with additional benefits. E.G. We ask for 80% invoice accuracy – the bidder has a system that guarantees 98% accuracy. The system is tried and tested and evidence is provided. Added value is not just a really good answer it should exceed your expectations!

9 Evaluation & Recommendation Report
An evaluation report will be produced following the evaluation. This report will: Set out the evaluation process undertaken Provide the results and evidence of the evaluation for each Bidder based upon the detailed evaluation processes and criteria Make recommendations for the Bidder that should be selected Contain debriefing information as appendices to form the basis of debrief of Bidders

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