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The Sun By Owain Partington.

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Presentation on theme: "The Sun By Owain Partington."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Sun By Owain Partington

2 Contents Definition Interesting Facts
Physical Properties and Statistics The Yohkoh Solar Observatory Satellite The SOHO Satellite Pictures

3 Definition The Sun is our main source of light and Heat. It is a giant ball of burning gas. It projects ultra violet rays but our ozone layer protects us from its radiation. It is a source of Vitamin D and we need the Sun to Survive.

4 Interesting Facts The Sun is 93,000,000 miles from Earth
It only takes 8.5 minutes for its light to reach Earth The Sun is 9.7 times bigger than Jupiter 1,300,000 Earths would fit into the Sun The Sun is a Yellow Star There are thousands of colder patches on the Sun, they are called ‘Sunspots’

5 Physical Properties and Statistics
The Core Temperature is 22,000,000 degrees The Surface temperature of the Sun is about 10,000 degrees The Corona Temperature is about 2,000,000 degrees There are thousands of Sunspots scattered over the Sun The Sun is about 1,392,000 km in diameter It spins 360 degrees every 25 days The Sun moves around the centre of the Galaxy once every 200,000,000 years

6 The Yohkoh Solar Observatory Satellite
Have you ever wondered where pictures of the Sun came from? They came from the Yohkoh Solar Observatory Satellite. The Satellite was launched August 31, 1991, from Japan. The Satellite takes X-rays of the Sun and send them back in images we cant normally see. The word ‘Yohkoh’ means ‘Sunbeam’ It also sent back gamma ray emissions (pictures like an X-ray) It has spectral lines that provided information about the temperature and density of the Plasma in Solar Flares.

7 The SOHO Satellite SOHO means ‘Solar and Heliospheric Observatory’
It was launched on December , to study the Sun. It has also discovered about 2700 Comets Around this time last year the mission was extended to December 2016. It was originally only a 2 year mission The main purpose was to study the Sun and to crack the theory of space weather.

8 Pictures

9 Thank You For Listening
The Science Powerpoint My Proir Knowledge

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